Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Whipped cream

Mains Pepper Salt Mustard ...

Sauté the sliced peppers, and mushroom porere, without the tar coloring on the forehead, and it came over in a greased casserole dish. Cut the tenderloin into 8 patties, Brown on both sides and season with salt and pepper. Butter steaks with mustard and

Mains Curry Paprika Pepper ...

Fry the bacon and chopped onion together in a large pan, then met in a large heat-proof platter. Clean and cut them into steaks, fillets must as printed easily. Fry the steaks in the fat add if necessary. a little butter and a little Curry, 2-3 min on each

Cakes Eggs-save half for brushing Finely grated lemon rind Ground cardamom ...

Crumble the yeast into the dish with a little of the milk. Melt the butter in a pan, add the rest of the milk and let the mixture cool slightly before gærblandingen is stirred in. Mix almond flour, sugar, cardamom and flour. Add meælkeblandingen together wi

Desserts (cold) Mint Water Strawberry ...

Cut the rhubarb into approx. 5 cm thin rods. Blanched in water for about 1 minute. Be taken up and put into a heat-proof platter. Sprinkled with sugar, cinnamon and wine came on. Put in a preheated oven at 180 ° for crisp approx. 10 minutes. Take out and cool.

Desserts (cold) Vanilla pod Sugar Egg yolk, pasteurised ...

Abemad: cut the fruits out in pieces, and put them all in a bowl. Råcreme: whip the cream to it becomes creamy. Add the eggs and sugar and whip and vaniljen it together.

Cakes in form Baking soda Lemon, thereof Eggs ...

Mørdejs bottom: All ingredients kneaded together, and mørdejen based cold for at least half an hour. Rhubarb Compote: Water, sugar, vanilla and lemon rind boil about 5 minutes. Rhubarb granted. Brought almost to a boil. Chilled immediately. Cocoa mass: E

Desserts (cold) Walnuts Port wine or sherry Sugar ...

The egg yolks and sugar, beat for a thick egg snaps. Whipping cream and sugar whisked to thick cream. Mix gently egg schnapps and cream together and add the chopped walnuts and port/sherry. Pour over ice in a round shape, 22-24 cm in diameter, and put the ice

Midnight snacks Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Chop flour + butter + pamsanost sammeno and sammel dough with water. pull the dough out so that it will be pliable and smooth. Let the dough rest for an hour. Roll the dough out. put it in a greased springform and getting up to the edge of the form. Slic