Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Whipped cream

Cakes in form Baking soda Ground cinnamon Peeled almonds ...

Beat the egg yolks and sugar into a thick and fluffy egg snaps. Melt chocolate over hot water bath and stir in butter and whipping cream in very fine and madlerne. chop got cinnamon and baking soda. Beat the egg whites very stiff. Turn over the almond paste by

Desserts (patisserie) Coffee ready made Banana Vanilla sugar ...

Whip the cream into whipped cream-vanilla sugar came in for of gi the a good taste. Hugs route cars possibly in a bag with a these events so they turn into small pieces and crumble. Com the broken and crumbled coaches in cream is and tossed with a spatul

Mains Flütes Green Salad Curry ...

Got plenty of butter on a frying pan. Slice the onion into slices and tomatoes in both. Com salt on one side of the koteletterne and put them on the forehead. Add onion and tomato slices between koteletterne and pepper came on. Come on alternately rest of spic

Cakes in form Cinnamon, ground Almond flakes Sugar ...

Knead all the ingredients for the pie bottom together. Roll the dough out into a pie dish, which pricked with a fork, a piece of roll over the dough and added the make up with rice or dried beans. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees C alm. oven for 20 minutes.

Mains Pepper Salt Small new potatoes ...

"Crack" asparagus in the end (where they drop naturally) and rinse them in cold water. Put them in a olive oil greased dish side by side. Remove if necessary. skins from the salmon and cut the fillet into approx. 3 x 3 cm bits that are added on top of the g

Cakes in form Chocolate hob nobs Condensed milk 400 g Whipped cream ...

Fill a saucepan ¾ with water and bring to a boil, when boiling water is added the Tin with condenseret milk in the water and boil for 2 hours, take the can up and let it cool off. Put crackers in a bag, close and crush crackers fine with a rolling pin, pour

Desserts (patisserie) Macaroons Whipped cream Marzipan ...

18 turtles melted together with the dark chocolate in a water bath. A bit of cream is added so the mass to achieve a creamy texture. 7 dl whipped cream for whipped cream and turtle mixing now herein. Let it rest in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. The cake is b

Mains Fresh herbs Black pepper from the grinder Grated parmesan ...

Bacon cut into thin strips and FRY sprøse for even heat. They are taken up and afdryppes on paper towel. Came the pasta in a large pot of boiling water and cook until the games ' al dente '. Afdryppes in strainer, pour into the Pan and keep warm. Whisk e