Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Vegetable broth

Mains Pepper Salt Red bell pepper ...

Saute the chopped onions and peberfrugti cubes in oil in a pan. Add the tomatoes cut into cubes, broth and let it simmer for about 15 minutes, the fish is cut into small pieces and place in the pan. Let it simmer an additional 10 min. Came eventually peas, ric

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon, the juice of which ...

First saw pills you an onion and nicked it just fine. Mix it with paprika, and style it to the page. Arrow also the second onion and cut it into thin slices. Cut the peppers into thin strips, and makes the mushrooms in a position, before you cut them into s

Salads Cream Lemon juice Dill ...

Cucumber peeled, sliced, udkernes, cut into thick slices and FRY in butter. Add the broth, cut dill, mustard, honey and lemon. Let it spin for 10 minutes and add the cream just before serving.

Salads Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Boil bulguren 10 minutes in the broth and cool it off. Pour the yoghurt for draining about 1 hour in a coffee filter. Cut the spring onions into thin slices. Crack, scrape the seeds out the cucumber and cut it into small cubes. Halvér tomatoes. Combine bulgur,

Salads Bread Fresh coriander Pepper ...

Chicken breasts are cooked in the broth until tender in about 30 mins. Let them cool a bit before skins and bones removed and meat cut into smaller pieces. Rinse the salad. Cut the celery into slices, cut scallions and avocado and orange slice into cubes. Mix

Salads Sea salt Pepper Butter ...

Pour a little sea salt in a bowl and dissolve it with fruit vinegar. Season with pepper and add sunflower oil. Spires is given a short rehash and placed in ice water. Afdryppes and mix with salad sauce. Peel the asparagus and boil them until tender and crisp i

Mains Groftkværnet pepper Grated nutmeg Eggs ...

The meat is stirred to father's with the other ingredients. Forcemeat in a rim shape (approx. 1 litre). The rim is made in a pan with so much water, so it reaches half up on the form. Aluminum foil be laid over the mold and was placed on the pan. Småkoger ca.

Soups Basil, fresh Pepper Salt ...

Cut the bacon into small pieces which are fried crisp. Save baconet for garnish. Minced garlic and onions Sauté in oily. Add the broth, along with potatoes, carrots, peeled tomatoes together with the spices. Cook until the vegetables are tender. It all b