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Recipes with Vegetable broth

Sides Vinegar Milk Vegetable broth ...

Melt the margarine and fry the onions until they are soft but not herein Brown. Add vinegar, sugar, broth and milk and let it boil up. Tillsæt potatoes and let Cook for a couple of my court. Serve immediately.

Soups Pepper Salt Curry ...

The finely chopped onion and the finely chopped garlic cloves in a dry fry pan along with the minced beef. When it is svitset seasoned with carry and paprika. Now pour the vegetable broth and it boils up. Add the pureed tomatoes and basil. When it is aga

Appetizers Pepper Corn starch Salt ...

The carrot (peeled) and celery cut in small cubes. Onion peeled and chopped. Karryen Sauté in oil and sauté with vegetables. Add the broth and ægnudler. Let the soup bugs in 5 min. Stir the cornstarch with the sour cream and stir the mixture into the soup

Mains Oil Cayenne pepper Coarse mustard ...

Chili pasta: make a paste of these ingredients and let it pull my 6 hours like 1 day. Onions, bell pepper and chilli chopped and fried in oil. Add the meat and Brown it well, and add the tomato puree, chopped tomato and broth. Boil a couple of hours and

Soups Dried Basil and thyme Vegetable broth Carrot ...

Willow buds, spring onions, rinse the asparagus and's carrot. Cut it all into small pieces. Pour the oil in a hot pan so the syringes. Sauté the onions gyldnen. Pour the boiling broth on the onions and add the rest of the vegetables and the spice. Stir over hi

Appetizers Corn flour Lemon finely chopped to thereof Fresh chili pepper ...

Peel the carrots and slice thin strips with kartoffelskrælleren Cut the spring onion into thin slices Finely chop the chili very fine Arrow if necessary. should the prawns Saute the carrots, scallions and chili pepper in a little oil in a thick-bottomed

Soups Chopped onion (small) Fish broth Vegetable broth ...

Chop a half onion cook it in a dl. water strainer from the onion bring 1 ½ l. water to boil mix jævning with a little corn puree cook it all up again and add the fish dumplings and noodles which are done cooked Tips: serving flute for Cheap and deliciou

Soups Pepper Salt Oil ...

Saute chopped onion in oil. Add the potatoes into cubes and let them sear a little with. Pour buillon in and cook for about 15 minutes. Add broccoli into small florets and ovaries that is cut into small cubes. Save a little bouquets for later. Boil for f