Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Thyme

Lunch Egg for brushing Balsamic reduction Bread, such as durum flutes ...

Order pork tenderloin at the butcher a few days in advance. Tureen Brown the pork tenderloin in a small saucepan - first with the greasy side down. Brown the meat in a little oil if there is not any fat on the meat. Take the meat and brown carrot and bell

Mains Chutney or pickles Pepper Pillekartofler or mashed potatoes ...

Rub the top with thyme leaves, salt and pepper. Warm a frying pan that can withstand the oven heat well and place it in the pan with the grease side down. Leave it brown until some of the grease is melted. Turn the meat piece and rub it well on the other sides

Lunch Balsamic reduction EVS. ½ tbsp oil Movies ...

portion Collations Order pork tenderloin at the butcher a few days in advance. Brown it in a small pot - first down the grease. Brown the meat in a little oil if there is not any fat on the meat. Take the meat and brown carrot and bell pepper cut into smal

Mains Pepper Juice of ½ lemon Salt ...

Cut the lamb for about 3 cm. Big cubes. The flask is cut out small. Peel the onion and chop the garlic cloves and cut into quarters. Thyme and rosemary rinse, shake dry, leaves and needles peel off the stems and chop well. Bring the fries on a frying pan an

Mains Salt Black pepper Broth ...

Get the butcher to cut the meat into 12 uniform pieces. Rinse the tomatoes, flake them and cut them into small pieces. Mix the flour with plenty of salt and pepper and turn the meat pieces into it. Heat the oil in a frying pan and brown the pieces of meat w

Mains Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

Let the lentils soak for 2 hours in 1½ l. Water Leave the butter golden in a steak and brown the lamb shanks well on all sides. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and pour broth on. Peel the garlic cloves and match them with the timi license. Lay the lid on the

Mains EVS. 3-4 garlic clove Suit Olive oil ...

The lamb chops are trimmed for fat and tendons. Season the meat pieces with salt, pepper and possibly. Pressed garlic. Put the lamb chops in a frying pan and fry 20-30 minutes at 200 degrees C in hot air. Once the lamb chops are finished, they are taken

Mains White pepper Salt Parsley ...

Onion and garlic sliced ​​and chopped well. The herbs are rinsed thoroughly and wiped dry. The shear is cut well, from the other herbs the stems are removed and the leaves are chopped fine. All the above ingredients are mixed and seasoned with salt and pepper.