Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Syrup

Cakes Cream Egg yolk Bicarbonate of soda ...

Heat syrup, sugar and pommeransskal to the boiling point. Cool it a bit. Stir in margarine and then egg and cream. Mix ginger and bicarbonate of soda in the flour and stir it gradually in the warm mass. Let the dough rest uncovered at least a few days. It's pr

Cake add-ons Wheat flour for the dough becomes firm but not hard Baking soda Cocoa ...

Stir in sugar and butter together, then add the cream first and then the other ingredients, so the dough is to shape, not more. How much depends on what kind of flour you use. Let dejklumpen be in the refrigerator at least overnight before proceeding with depl

Mains Leash Paprika Pepper ...

Cut the roastbeffen out, so it can be rolled together again. Cut the cheese and peberfrugten out in thin slices and cover most of roasten with it along with Basil. scroll together and tie the cord around roasten so it does not go up. put it in a bowl with w

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour on slums Cardamom-can be omitted Salt ...

Milk and water until it is lukewarm lunes. The yeast is mixed in it. Add butter, salt, cardamom, oatmeal and sifting. Stir well. Add the wheat flour on slum until you have a good dough. The dough is shaped to 24 buns, depending on how large you want them.

Cookies Eggs Syrup Cinnamon with top ...

butter, sugar, syrup and spices touched softly. the half together beaten eggs are added and finally stirred the flour and bicarbonate of soda in the dough kneaded together, scrolled to. balls the size of a large hazelnut and placed on a plate with wax paper. t

Cookies Icing sugar for glaze Wheat flour Brown sugar ...

In a bowl stir oil and buttermilk together with brown sugar and syrup. The other ingredients are mixed in, and the mass mixed to a fixed smooth dough. The dough rolled out with a rolling pin, and should be approximately ½ cm. of thickness. Low shapes eith

Bread, buns & biscuits Squash-grated on small iron Salt Wheat flour ...

Crumble the yeast and stir it in lukewarm water. Add milk, oil, salt, eggs, grated squash and Apple. Stir this well together. Add the oat bran, rye flour and stir this well together. Now add the flour little by little until you have a not for real dou

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour on slums Sesame seeds Cardamom-can be omitted ...

Crumble the yeast and stir it in lukewarm water. Add cremefraishe, oil, salt, syrup, cardamom, stir this well together. Add oatmeal, almonds, oat bran, sifting and stir it well. Now add the wheat flour on slum until you have a good batter, not too fas