Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Syrup

Desserts (cold) Syrup Chocolate Ice cream ...

Take a coconut and halve them. Remove meat and milk, but save it. Melt chocolate and brown dough together in the microwave until it is liquid. Pour syrup and mix well. Chop the coconut in flakes. Cut the ice into 8 pieces and put a piece in each shell. Pour th

Drinks (warm) Syrup Boiling water Cocoa powder (strong) ...

Mix instant coffee with milk until it is about Touched out. Mixed with cocoa powder and sugar in. Finally put the boiling water in. Taste if With a good syrup.

Cookies Aromatic baking soda Bicarbonate of soda Syrup ...

It's all pelted and laid cold. The recipe is very old so degrees and time you have to try it out.

Candy Syrup Margarine Sugar ...

1) All ingredients are boiled together with constant stirring until the mass is solid. 2) Pour the mass onto baking paper and cut / cut it out into squares when it has cooled a little. If the caramel mass is taken too early, they become soft. Taken it too

Cakes in form Baking soda Eggs Becel margerine ...

Whip first margerine and sugar together. Then mix the syrup, vanilla, cinnamon and baking soda in. Stir well. Add brown dumplings and eggs. Then stir very well. Mix flour and milk alternately and whip in the meantime. Stir until it is liquid. Behind it in

Drinks (cold) Angostura-bitter Danish water Syrup ...

Mix the ingredients in a suitable large glass with plenty of ice cubes.

Desserts (patisserie) 30 g finely chopped almonds. Whipped cream Breadcrumbs ...

Melt the butter in a saucepan Bring whipped cream, syrup and sugar into the pan and bring to a boil Boil on low heat and for at least 30 minutes - add rasp and possibly. almonds. Dress up a shape approx. 18 times 24 with baking paper and pour the cara

Bread, buns & biscuits Lukewarm water Rye flour Apple vinegar ...

Taking and touching the yeast out of the salt, then add the syrup, water apple vinegar in that order. Finally, add the flour, that one has to "feel" their way the dough may "stick" slightly without sticking and should also not be too dry, so you well, it knead