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Recipes with Sugar

Pickling Water Vinegar Sugar ...

The redecorated nuts put into the water after being well through pricked with a fork. They are soaked in 10-14 days, but the water is changed every day. Then boil the roughly tender in plain water, without the addition. Now considered the. Sugar boiled with

Drinks (cold) Lemon Peal from here Stick cinnamon Peaches ...

Peel the peaches and share them into quarters. Mix with vodka, lemon peel and spices and store in 1-2 weeks, shake periodically. Filter (be sure to get as much fruit juice with as possible). Add the sugar and keep another 6 weeks.

Drinks (cold) Moreller Sugar Brandy ...

Let Berry and brandy stand 1-2 weeks in a dense glass. SI then the liquid from the berries, and add sugar. The liqueur should be stored for at least 6 months.

Drinks (cold) Sugar Lingonberry Brandy ...

Put berries and brandy in a dense glass, shake the glass some times every week. SI fluid after 1-2 weeks. Then add the sugar. The liqueur must be stored for at least three months, like a whole year. The taste will be bittersweet, and with a clear feature of th

Drinks (cold) Red wine Rome Elderberry juice ...

Elderberry juice and sugar are boiled together, and cooling off. Wine and rum mixed in. Drag to the min. the following day. Pour on the cleaned bottles and enjoyed for dessert or coffee.

Drinks (cold) Large or 2 small firm melons Vodka Sugar ...

Peel the melon, remove the kærnerne and cut it into small pieces. Fill the fruit in a bottle and pour vodka in. Let the liqueur stand in 2 weeks. SI it and add the sugar.

Drinks (cold) White rum or brandy or wine alcohol Sugar Oranges zest and juice of which ...

The yellow to be peeled off carefully without a fluff of the whites by 12 sweet, aromatic oranges. A Seville oranges in a while gives a nice flavor. The shell is filled on a blubber refinery glass and poured over with liqueur and the freshly squeezed juice and

Drinks (cold) A few drops of green pastry color Sugar White rum ...

Pick five stems of mint (kruse Mint/Peppermint/Spearmint) mash them in a glass jar with sugar. Pour the rum over, and si from after 30 minutes. Color so the liqueur glorious poisonous green. Mint liqueur to be served ice cold.