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Recipes with Sugar

Base recipes Cherries, fresh shelve/acidic Sugar Water ...

Especially sidestep kirsebærrene suitable for deep-freezing. The cute, bright berries will be discoloured, but it can be prevented to some extent, if you add the freezing bed sheet ¾ TSP. Ascorbic acid per ½ litre. Sidestep kirsebærrene can be frozen down,

Pickling Atamon or spirits to rinse the glass Vanilla pod Water ...

Udsten cherries, use if necessary. a cherry udstener, so it goes faster. Crack vanillestangen and scratch grains out. Boil a brine of water, sugar, vanillekorn and — bait. Pour the pitted berries on trained glass flushed with atamon or spirits, and pour

Desserts (cold) Sugar Water Cherry juice ...

Boil the sugar in the water, cool down, mix cherry juice in and came the mass in an ice cream maker.

Soups Whole cinnamon Small baked buns Sugar to taste ...

The pears peeled, sliced and cooked until tender in the water, the two glasses of wine, sugar and kanelen, after which one puts one half of the slices into the soup tureen and squeezes the other half through puresigten. Pureen boil then with wine, lemon rind,

Soups Salt Sugar Regular oatmeal ...

Oats grynene rinse, put on the fire with the boiling water and boil under tight-fitting lids in approximately 2 hours. Katrine yolks rinse in lukewarm water and boil until tender in less water. Grynene is poured through a sieve and the soup have to thin wat

Soups Lemon Cinnamon Juice or syrup ...

Grynene set in soft the day before the soup must be cooked. Boil grynene tender in about 1 hour

Desserts (cold) Desiccated coconut Sesame seeds Whipped cream ...

The ribbed ribs stirred with sugar and pour over ice. Peach both be around. The cream whipped into foam and are distributed on the ice. Desiccated coconut and sesame seeds roasted lightly and sprinkled over.

Soups Sugar Water Apricots ...

The apricots must be washed well and put in soft from the night before they are to be cooked. They are cooked until tender in water and pressed through a strainer, after which they will be sweetened. Put again on the fire and even no there is udrørt in a littl