Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Wheat flour Chopped dark chocolate Butter ...

Eggs and sugar, beat well together Fat's smeltesog is stirred in egg mixture alternately with the flour and coconut. Nuts and chocolate is stirred in finaly. Papirsforme filled 3/¤ up with dough. The cakes Bake at 200 degrees for about 10-150min.

Cakes Apple pulp of 4-5 apples Egg white Sugar ...

Wheat flour in which bagepulveret is sighted, and the other ingredients kneaded together into a uniform dough. The fat must not be softened but have its normal texture. The dough is divided into two equal parts, which rolled out in ca. 20 cm wide and 35 cm'

Desserts (cold) Ice cream Kiwi fruit Alm. vanilla ice cream ...

Bottom: beat the egg whites until stiff and whip the sugar in. chop the almonds fine and stir them in. Behind the bottom in a 22 cm greased springform ca 30 min at 170 a little less by hot air. When the base is baked made it to cool. Take vaniljeisen out of th

Cakes Strawberry The juice and the yellow split shell of ½ lemon Milk ...

Fat and sugar is stirred together. The fat should be softened to a consistency like mayonnaise, and then add the egg yolks one at a time, and finally add the flour and the other ingredients, and it's all stirred into a uniform dough. The egg whites whipped

Mains Meljævning Pepper Salt ...

Remove the coarsest membranes and tendons from the Hare. Cut and blow it into serving pieces, tag, if desired. the bones out of bove and clubs. Brown the pieces in several times. Put the meat in the Pan and add the white wine and as much broth, the meat is c

Sides (= 1 portion dough to fougasse) Cinnamon sugar Eggs ...

dough: Dissolve yeast in water fougasse, then add the salt and the rest of the ingredients. Team 100 gr. Flour back. Knead the dough until it is smooth and slippery, and add only as much flour as absolutely necessary. Butter a bowl with oil, roll dejklumpen ar

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Orangeblomstvand Yogurt ...

Dissolve the yeast in the water, then add the salt and the rest of the ingredients. Team 100 gr. Flour back. Knead the dough until it is smooth and slippery, and add only as much flour as absolutely necessary. Butter a bowl with oil, roll dejklumpen around in

Breakfast & brunch An egg on each muffin A sprinkle of parsley or chives Baking soda ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Inserts baconet into cubes and grate it, preferably on a dry Pan Whip eggs and sugar white and frothy. Add the oil and flour and whisk well. Sift flour, baking powder and pepper in batter and whip for there are no lumps. T