Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Desserts (warm) Turmeric Salt Sugar ...

Mix rice flour with coconut milk, sugar, salt and turmeric and add water to the dough has consistency as thin pandekagedej. Fry the pancakes on a hot pan

Mains Eggs Courgette Garlic ...

Veal schnitzel Turn the schnitzlerne in the beaten egg and then in bread crumbs seasoned with salt and freshly ground pepper. Heat a frying pan or two and let the butter be light brown on the forehead. Rose is now schnitzlerne at medium heat in butter. They m

Desserts (cold) Rome Whipped cream Sugar ...

Set the gelatine soaked in water. Whip the cream. Stir the gelatine Melt and dilute the sugar in. it with rom. Add gelatine to the cream. Pour rombuddingen up in a glass bowl. Tips: Served with strawberry sauce.

Mains Pepper Salt Soy sauce ...

Arrow the onion and chop it finely. Wash the rest of the vegetables and cut them into fine strips. Pat the meat dry with paper towels. Mix together a brine of soy sauce, orange juice and sugar in a bowl. Set in a pan of water to the ægnudler. The noodles ca

Candy Hazelnuts Sugar ...

Chop the hazel nuts coarsely. Behind hazel nuts at approximately 180 degrees c. alm. oven in oven until light brown, take them out. Hot sugar on a teflon frying pan or in a pot, when the sugar is melted, pour the hazel nuts in that stirred around so that th

Mains Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Chicken meat cut into strips and FRY in oil on the forehead. Add salt, pepper and the chopped onion. Let it simmer a little bit and add cucumber, tomato and pineapple. Stir gently, so the vegetables do not go in pieces. The sauce is made, pour over meat mix

Desserts (cold) Chocolate kaffebønner Boiling water Sugar ...

Beat the egg yolks with sugar and came in the boiling water little by little to the mass is breezy. Then came the chocolate into. Whip the cream stiff and gently turn it in at the end. Com iscremen in a form and put it in the freezer. Then made coffee syrup by

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream and different fruit (jordbærmos is good) Cold strong coffee Crushed cookies chocolate ...

The egg yolks and the sugar is stirred together. They crushed macaroons, the crushed chocolate and coffee mixed in. egg whites and piskefløden whipped stiff and invert gently in. Ismassen pour into frysbare molds and put in the freezer. Take the frozen ice