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Recipes with Sugar

Desserts (warm) Or Vanilla ice cream Margarine ...

Margarine, sugar and flour together in a bowl pour. This nulres between your fingers until a feeling of well-being arises or it is small loose balls. The apples are cleaned and cut into pieces (or bærene be made clean). The fruit are being thrown up in a he

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Butter Sugar ...

Butter six individual porcelain molds with butter. Pour a little sugar in the molds. Turn them around so the sugar stuck inside in the molds. Pour the excess sugar back where it came from. Blend bananas with most of the lemon juice, rum and egg yolks. Came

Desserts (cold) Orange grated to thereof Water Whole cloves ...

Rinse one of the oranges thoroughly. It is dried, and the shell rives. Mix together a brine of water, sugar, whole kryddernilleker and the grated orange peel. Boil the brine at low heat for about 15 minutes, covered. Let the bed sheet to cool. Oranges peeled o

Desserts (cold) Almond flakes Sugar Egg white, pasteurized ...

The oranges (preferably large) cut into one end, so that they can stand straight. A large lid is cut of, the juice squeezed out and freeze to grødis. 2 egg whites whipped very stiff, add sugar and mixing in grødisen. Stir well together and distributed in th

Snacks Lemon juice Water Pineapple ...

Cut the top and bottom of the caramelized pineapple. Style it on one of the cut surfaces and Sheen so peal of. Caramelized pineapple cut in so thinly sliced as possible across the longitudinal (2-3 mm). Com slices into a bowl, pour the lemon juice over. Boil w

Desserts (cold) Desiccated coconut Whipped cream Sugar ...

The cream whipped stiff and the other things mixed in. Hug makronerne easy and put them in the bottom of a glass bowl or serving glasses. Drip makronerne with juice. Cut the bananas into slices and favor them over the makronerne. Pour the custard over the bana

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Apricots Eggs ...

Pour the væden from the apricots and joined them in a little greased pie dish. Sprinkle almond flakes. Whisk eggs and sugar together and mix the flour in with the milk. Pour batter over apricots and bake 180 degrees for about half an hour. Server the dessert,

Cakes in form Strips of lime Vanilla sugar Grated lime ...

Heat oven to 200 °. Crush crackers and mix them with the melted fat and Quark to a crumbled dough. Press it into a pie dish and let it congeal in cool, ca. 10 min. Behind it in the oven for about 10 min. and take it out. Turn down to 175 °. Stir in the cheese,