Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pressed garlic

Mains Svitset onions and freshly grated coconut Carnations Cumin seeds ...

Finely chop the Chili's fine. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces. Heat a wok and swirl the oil around. Saute the garlic, cumin and cloves for 30 seconds. Add the coconut milk, water and chicken. Simmer for 10 minutes. Came the shrimp, chilies and cila

Mains Frozen green beans Parsley butter Beef Tenderloin ...

Beans and potatoes are cooked. Gravy Brown gravy that tilsmages with bouillon powder and salt and pepper to taste. De-fat for tendons. Who cut a deep groove in the meat lengthwise, which folded a little out and plumped. Mushrooms roasted on a dry pan to væden

Mains Eggs Cayenne pepper A little red wine ...

Meat: Sprinkle beef tenderloin with salt and pepper and Brown it on all sides in butter in a frying pan. Cool it. Put the frozen fillet plates on a floured, brush the edges with egg and let them overlap. Press the edges together. Roll the dough out on to a

Mains Groftkværnet black pepper Dijon mustard Salt ...

The meat is stirred with the other ingredients and shaped to/beefburgers. FRY in oil 3-4 min. on each side until through fried. The spaghetti cooked according to instructions on package. Gorgonzolaen and break into pieces and sprinkled over. The stick is

Mains Freshly ground pepper Rice or freshly baked bread Orange ...

Forcemeat is stirred together. A pot of water boils up. Forcemeat is shaped to buns with a spoon. A layer of buns in the water one at a time. The buns are cooked until they are cooked through and taken up with a slotted spoon. The rest of forcemeat is moulded

Mains Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

The meat cut from the bone and cut into bite-sized pieces. The marinade mix and flips with the meat. The meat pulls 1-2 hours and preferably overnight in the refrigerator. The meat is sprinkled with salt and pepper and put on a skewer. That grilling until meat

Salads Arabic bread (large round bread) Lemon juice Roughly chopped green bell pepper ...

Cut the bread into small pieces, and either deep fry it, or roast it in the oven until it is brittle. Wash the cucumber, tomato and radishes and cut it into small cubes. Cut the spring onions finely, and chop the onion finely. Chop Mint, parsley and green pepp

Appetizers Olive oil Salt Green olives ...

It's all chopped with a knife or blended well, consistency will be adjusted with the oil at the end. Serve with good bread. Tips: Should preferably be made 1-2 days before it must be eaten. It is important that there is a thin layer of oil over the m