Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pressed garlic

Sides Salt Pressed garlic Gutted green pepper cut into small pieces ...

marinade stir well and boil for 10 minutes, cooled and poured over the meat. Must pull at least 2 hours.

Mains Pepper Salt Lime chopped to thereof ...

Green Curry: Roast coriander seeds and cumin seeds in a frying pan to it starts to smell. Shock as this in a mortar and blend all ingredients together in a small blender or a discarded coffee grinder. Com so karryen in a saucepan along with 1 dl. of coconut

Mains Pepper Salt Diced tomatoes with Basil and oregano ...

Thaw the cabbage up and saute the ham, peppers and peanuts. Season with paprika, salt and pepper and stir the mixture of white cabbage. Then saute the red onions, garlic and meat in oil and stir so that it crumbles. Add tomatoes and puree and season with salt

Mains Oil or butter for frying White pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Put the breadcrumbs soaked in milk. Knead lightly together and stir in the minced meat spices and onions in the breadcrumbs mixture and form 12. Add small steaks, which are minced either flat and round with a knife. Brown the steaks on both sides quickly heat

Soups Pepper Salt Light broth ...

Arrow the onions, cut them through lengthwise and cut them into slices. Sauté the onions in the butter is lightly golden. Add the Lager and the broth and let soup boil about 15 minutes lid. Taste the soup with garlic, salt and pepper, and serve it with warm ch

Soups Grated cheese Tortilla shells or tortilla ships Chopped peeled tomatoes ...

Sauté onion and garlic in the oil on low heat for 5 min. Add spices, tomato and broth and simmer for 20 min. Add the Turkey cubes and boil another 5 min. Server in each serving bowl with crushed tortilla shells or ships on the bottom and sprinkle with grated c

Mains Freshly ground pepper Marjoram Cognac ...

Mix the ingredients for the marinade. Chicken breasts are pulling in this 10-12 hours. The breadcrumbs soaked in flødes. The other ingredients are mixed. Bread crumbs and stir in marinade. Half of forcemeat pour in a greased form. Slice the chicken breas

Mains Lemon juice from here Green pepper in 2 x 2 cm. thick cubes Red pepper in 2 x 2 cm. thick cubes ...

The marinade is stirred together and poured over the meat and pull in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. Sample blanched 3-5 minutes and tamper-proof. Peppers cleaned and cut out. Meat, onion and bell pepper alternately put on kebabs and fried in the oven