Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pressed garlic

Appetizers A little bit of curry Norway lobster tails Parsley ...

Norway lobster tails be laid close together in a heat-proof platter and seasoned with pressed garlic, salt, parsley, a little bit of curry powder and butter blobs as needed. Norway lobster tails put in a preheated oven at 180 degrees 15-20 in minutes.

Mains Fresh thyme Desiccated coconut Olive oil ...

Mariner chicken meat in marinade consisting of pressed lime, grated ginger, pressed garlic, finely chopped chili, fresh thyme and olive oil. The meat may be placed overnight in the refrigerator in a plastic bag with the marinade, or you can marinate it one hou

Mains Cayenne pepper Brokkoli Cerrytomater ...

Mix meat + marinade together and let it possibly. withdraw overnight. Fry the meat in a wok and add the other vegetables. The Court must in all simmer for about 20 minutes, covered. Add the sauce and cooked rice and cook further 3-4 minutes. Server if

Mains Pepper Salt Peeled and diced tomatoes ...

1. scrub the potatoes thoroughly and boil them until tender. Turn the water off and let them cool off. 2. Sauté the minced meat in butter, for it takes color and crumbles. Add pressed garlic and peeled tomatoes and season with thyme, salt and pepper. Ladblandi

Soups Pepper Salt Curry ...

Arrow and chop the onions fine. Fry them for 5 minutes in a pan with the butter, without taking colour. Add the curry powder, garlic and finely ground tomatoes. Stir in the cream and pour it out broth in. Let it all get a rehash. Cut the fish into small "bi

Mains Salt according to taste Curry Eggs ...

The meat must be very finely chopped, 3 – 4 times to the meatballs can be slippery. Stir in stuffing together. Set of 1/2 liters of water over. Bring the water to a boil with 1 tsp. salt. Dip a teaspoon in water and form meatballs with spoon and hand. Cook

Mains 1 tablespoon oil for frying Groftkværnet pepper Light sausejævner or maizina ...

Beef and onion Brown in a dry Pan (possibly, Oil) spices and tomato paste, add water and tilsætes and Court bouillion boils approx. 20 min. right levelled for the desired consistency reten season with salt pepper and garlic. Course is served with cooked spaghe

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Pepper Pressed garlic ...

De-fat, Brown on all sides and FRY about 15 min. to set a little water so it does not burn on. The account shall be taken of the forehead and the rest covered, while the sauce is prepared. Peberfrugten Sauté a few minutes in the Pan and fry the onions, be a