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Recipes with Pressed garlic

Mains Pepper Rye flour Salt ...

Cut the redecorated garfish in ca. 8 cm long pieces. Remove carefully the Green legs. The fish must be like double filet, IE. without the back is cut up Peel and chop the onion, garlic, Basil and Parsley-stuffed them in the fish. The fish turned into flour wit

Sides Salt Water Pressed garlic ...

Yoghurt afdryppes in the coffee filter in ½ hour. Squashen cut into slices. Flour, water and salt whipped together. Squash slices dipped in batter and fried golden in the oil. Yogurt and garlic mix. Squashen served on a platter and yoghurt poured over.

Mains 1 tbsp corn flour and ½ dl water Salt Chili powder ...

Cut the bacon into squares, sauté it lightly and pour the fat off. Add leek, carrots, mushrooms and Turkey meat. Let it spin along with the bacon for about 5 min. Add garlic, tomatoes, salt, spices and let it simmer in my 10-15. the Court may not recognize. be

Mains Pepper Salt Soy sauce ...

Stir the ingredients for marinade together. Cut the chicken meat into cubes and put them on bamboo skewers. Put the spikes in a greased baking pan. Brush with marinade. Style baking pan in the oven at 250 degrees for about 18 minutes Turn after half the frying

Mains Barbecue Curry Olive oil ...

Share the chicken into 8 pieces. Put the chicken pieces in a well-oiled baking dish with skin side down. All the ingredients for the barbecuen stirred together to a marmeladeagtig consistency. Brush chicken pieces with half of barbecuen. Cover the dish w

Mains Barely 1 tsp. Curry Ground caraway Diet margarine ...

Melt the margarine at the even heat on a large teflon pan. Brown the chicken fillets on both sides and let them after frying, for they are altogether through fried, and kødsaften is ready, at least 10 min. Put them on a serving dish, cover with foil and kee

Mains Salt Ground cardamom Freshly grated ginger ...

The meat is cut into approx. 4 cm thick slices. Yoghurt mixed with spices and meat be reversed with yoghurt. The meat is layered in at least 2 hours, best if it marinerer overnight in the refrigerator. The 3 dl yoghurt afdryppes in a coffee filter (takes ab

Mains Pepper Salt Black pepper ...

Rinse the chicken and dry it. Mix the ingredients for the marinade and rub the chicken with it. Put chicken in a plastic bag with the marinade, close the bag well and put it in the fridge for about 12 hours. Season the chicken inside and out with salt and p