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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Large leek ...

The quails are boneless (not the thighs), browned at very high heat, seasoned with S + P. The legs are browned in a saucepan, seasoned and the water added, simmer for approx. ½ hour. The fund is used for the cloud. The canterelles are halved and divided into 1

Mains Handful mixed parsley and Sage Wheat flour for Breading of schnitzel A little lemon juice ...

Farsert quail: Bake the quails, put a stick of raw foie gras in the quail, together with chopped mustard and a spice of herbs. The guard is packed together to look like a whole quail and packed into the fat net. Persian pears: The porridge is cut into 5 c

Mains Fresh basil Pepper Rocket salad ...

Quail. They smoke for approx. 10 min. If they are still raw, they can be baked in the oven. They can be cut into the pieces you want. Basil oil: In a blender comes olive oil, garlic and basil, which is then blended and seasoned with salt and pepper. Le

Mains Pepper Salt Bet. presale ...

Sprinkle some salt and pepper on the spoon slices and tie them over the quails with the spicy side inward. Season finely chopped onion and crushed garlic in butter, put the birds in and brown them lightly on all sides. Add purified mushrooms, quartz peeled tom

Mains Coarse sea salt Olive oil Pepper ...

Bring salt and pepper to the birds, which of course you have already done. Put a pot of olive oil and raise the birds without coloring. Come to them. Now you are crushing or blending: almonds, garlic, sea salt and a little parsley for a paste, which you then c

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Put the raisins in soft in calvados. Cut the spine off the quails and remove the ribs but let the sternum side. Wipe the birds clean for blood and remove lungs and other impurities. Season well with salt and pepper. Pour apples to 1 cm thick. Fill some rais

Mains Pepper Salt Juices ...

Move the guardrails after the feather bags and remove them but a tweezers. Spice the birds out and inside with salt and pepper. Bind the guard cords into the body with uncoloured cotton yarn. Arrow and heel loosened. Sprinkle half of the butter in a sautépa

Mains Olive oil Butter Pepper ...

Stir the butter with salt, pepper and most of the thyme, and advantage this in the quails, which are tied with the bacon and put into a ovenproof dish. Olive oil is dripping over the birds, and the last thyme. Stir in a 200 gr. Oven for 10 min. Take the dish o