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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Herbes de provence, dried ...

Celery and carrots are peeled and cut into thin 5 cm long bars. The roses are cut into slices. The vegetables are put in a pan. The water is poured over. Chicken pieces are laid over. Sprinkle with provence spices, salt and pepper. Place in the oven appr

Mains The green from 7-8 pores Curry Pepper ...

The tomatoes, the pomelo, the coarse section, the mushroom and the whole garlic are laid in a refractory dish. The rice is spread on top and season with salt, pepper and curry. Pour water and put the chicken thighs upstairs. They are spiced as desired The d

Mains Pepper Salt Star anise, whole ...

Begin to peel the bulbs, peel the carrot, roseller slice and apple - and cut all 1 x 1 cm terns. Cut the veal in a 2 x 2 cm tern, then butter and oil into a thick pot and warm until golden. Bring the meat in the pot and brown them on all sides - season with

Mains Eggs Balsamic syrup Wheat flour ...

Cut the outer yarn into thin slices and knock it lightly with a meat hammer. Possibly. Stir chopped and chopped with a knife that tatar and turn with the chopped mustard, garlic and parsley. The eggflower is turned in and the talleggio cheese is torn on the gr

Salads Lemon HP sauce Garlic salt ...

The rice is placed at the bottom of a dish and the three cut tomatoes are laid over. The corn is laid on top of a layer, and the whole is covered with prawns. Mayonnaise stir with the juice of a lemon, a little corn water, whipped cream, a little tabasco, H

Lunch Pepper Chives, fresh Salt ...

Boil the eggs for smiling eggs (6-7 min). Calculate 1 -2 eggs per. person. Melt the butter in a saucepan, flush the flour and cook with the boiling milk. Add salt, pepper + half of the mustard and let the sauce boil through. Taste with more mustard. Put

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Stir the chops a couple of minutes, on each side in crispy margarine. Put each cutie on a piece. foil. Cut onions, peppers and mushrooms in slices and wrap them in the rest of the fat. Distribute it to the chops. Put ½ tomato and a little cut parsley on each c

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

A good crisp hard is available if you scratch the tail narrowly, with ½ - ¾ cm, space. The salt draws the water out of the bacon, which makes it more crispy. Lay the ladder with the sword down in a small pan. Pour boiling water on, so the hard is just cover