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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Grated onion ...

Bring the broccoli bouquets into leachate water approx. 3 minutes. Take them up and drop them in a sieve. Also cook the carrots in salted water for 4-5 minutes, also let them drizzle. Whip egg and milk together and add the cheese, onions, salt and pepper, whis

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

The chicken is buttered inside with orange juice, filled with an orange cut into pieces and rubbed outside with salt, pepper and olive oil. It is evenly baked in a saucepan. Then turn down the heat and pour the orange juice over. Covered with lid and the chick

Sauces Pepper Salt Basil (dried) ...

The tomatoes are put in a saucepan and brought to a boil. Then add the other ingredients. The sauce must only simmer at low heat for 10 minutes. Add if necessary. Half a brothel at will. tips: Good for pasta, rice and potatoes. Grilled meat goes well there

Mains Garlic Chicken Fund Chicken wings ...

Bring the chicken wings into a marinade made of a mixture of soy sauce, rice wine, sesame oil, salt, pepper and corn flour and let it take a half hour. Heat the wok up until it is warm and add the oil. Brown the chicken wings and fry them in chicken fried with

Mains Corn flour Pepper Salt ...

Clean the tenderloin for seniors and cut into 2-3 cm slices, season with salt and pepper and brown them on the forehead. Take the meat and brown the onions with the pears. Pour it all in an oven-proof pot. Peppers, bay leaves, thyme, salt and pepper are add

Mains Eggs Wheat flour Nutmeg ...

Cut the outer yarn into thin slices and knock it lightly with a meat hammer. Possibly. Stir chopped and chopped with a knife that tatar and turn with the chopped mustard, garlic and parsley. The eggflower is turned in and the talleggio cheese is torn on the gr

Salads Garlic Pepper Salt ...

Half the bacon slices, roll them together and hold with toothpicks. Step the bacon rolls on a dry pan. Let them swell on a piece of paper roll. Strip the salad and peppers, (remember to take the kernels out of the peppers). Cut the chicken into even pieces.

Mains Brown sauce thickens Pepper Salt ...

Cut sage, dill and chop garlic, mix with oil, salt and pepper. Rub the chopped sirloin with the spice oil. Put them in a teaspoon pan and brown under the grill in the oven on the second row at 275 degrees C. Alm. Oven for approx. 10 minutes. Stir the cider,