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Recipes with Pepper

Mains A little lemon juice A little potato flour Pepper ...

Cooking the meat: First turn on the oven at 250 degrees. Scratch so oily on the steps in rudder pattern. Put the steps in a refractory dish or in a frying pan, season with salt and pepper and brown steps in the oven for approx. 20 minutes. Then turn down a

Mains Grainy bread Pepper Salt ...

Rub the pieces of meat with salt. Put them on a grate with a frying pan underneath. Pour boiling water on the sun-dried tomatoes and let them pull approx. 15 minutes. Blend them with chopped chopped onions and the rest of the ingredients for the barbecue sa

Mains Pepper Salt Orange juice thereof ...

Pot Court: Brown the meat in butter and oil in a saucepan. Add chopped onions and let them turn golden. Add 1 dl of water and then simmer the dish for 1 1/4 hour with frequent stirring. Put in a small bowl of yeast, maizena and paprika and pour into the pan w

Mains Wholemeal bread Pepper Salt ...

Boiling the cheek: The tip is covered with cold water in a spacious pot and put on low heat. When it starts to boil, grease and cloudiness shake away with a sauce. Add spices carrot, onion and celery. The spine boils for approx. 3 hours until it is tender.

Mains Pepper Salt Free range duck ...

Clean the other and rub it with salt and pepper. Fill it with apples and scallops that have been in water for a few hours. Close the hole with meat needles. Put another with the chest down on a frying pan with grate and pour the water into the frying pan. S

Mains Pepper Salt Grappa, cognac or armagnac ...

Clean and rinse the quails and sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Bring half grapes in them together with a little butterballs. Close for opening. Brush them in the rest of the butter in a frying pan. Sweat the heat and pour the spirits on. Let it boil a litt

Mains Chicken stock Jævning Potatoes ...

Quail bones - you can buy quails where the hull is taken. Otherwise remove the upper thigh, scratch down the leg on both sides, push the meat back and cut the thigh off at the joint. Some different mushrooms are used, which are cooked on a pan. The wool

Mains Pepper Salt Celery mashed potatoes and salad á la waldorf ...

Check the quizzes as necessary. after being cleaned. Cut off wing tips. Rub them with spices. Turn on the oven. Set it at 250 degrees. Brush them in stews, on all sides. Put them in an ovenproof dish with the chest upwards. Cook the pot with white wine, let