Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Peas

Salads Lettuce head Peas Cucumber diced ...

On an elongated dish the various vegetables placed side by side in long streaks. The tomatoes cut into both and be highly, then peas, cabbage, beetroot, cucumber, diced into cubes, corn and finally the salad in long fine Strip. Eaten with bread.

Mains The clip of Marjoram Paprika Pepper ...

All vegetables mash or cut slowly out. Tomato juice and bread crumbs are soaked, stirred with eggs and spices. Stir in vegetable Moor. Place in greased ovnfad, sitting in the oven about 40 min at 175 degrees.

Appetizers Peas English sauce Ketchup ...

Cream fraicen season with spices. Grpaefrugterne and frygtkød are halved and juice granted. Shrimp and peas be thawed and mixed pour into tall glass or. the empty grapefruit shells. serve with French bread.

Midnight snacks Freshly grated Parmesan cheese Pepper Salt ...

Slice the bacon, onion, celery, carrots and Leek in bite-sized pieces and sauté it all in oil in a large pot along with the garlic. Add the broth and let it simmer for 20 minutes. Chop the tomatoes, pour them into the soup along with the peas and haricots vert

Soups Pepper Salt Leek in strips ...

Saute the leek, onion and garlic in the oil 5-10 minutes to soft. Pour the broth and bring to the boil. Add the carrot, and celery and let it simmer majsroe 20-30 minutes. Add the pasta, cabbage, beans and peas and simmer 10 more minutes. Stir in tomato

Soups Chopped red chilli Oil Parsley root ...

Sauté the onions in the oil until they are glossy, add chopped garlic, add the curry powder and chili-burn of. Cut and chop the rest of the ingredients and add to the pan. Let simmer for 30 min. Blend and serve. You can serve with a teaspoon. sour cream and

Soups Pepper Chives Salt ...

Leek and onion cut into thin slices and FRY in margarine. The vegetables cook with broth and thyme for about 10 minutes. Add peas and carrots and cook then 5 minutes. The soup is blended. Let the soup cook up into the Pan, added the cream. Season with salt and

Soups Zodiac noodles Peas Onion ...

Carrots cut into thin slices, leeks into thin rings, tomatoes into cubes and bacon cut into small squares. Got the bacon in a large saucepan over medium heat. When it is golden, add the vegetables. Sauté it all in 5 minutes. Add water and soup cube, as well as