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Recipes with Oregano

Mains Barbecue spice Olive oil Pepper ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into ½ cm thick slices. Put in a greased ovenproof dish and season with rosemary, oregano, squeezed garlic, salt and pepper between the layers. Sprinkle chicken thighs with barbecue spice and drizzle with a little olive oil. L

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Whale flour and milk are whipped to a leveling. Salt and egg are whipped in. Be careful of thin pancakes on a pan. Add a little fat before each new pancake. Keep the pancakes warm, eg. Between two plates or in the oven at 100 degrees. Meat and onion are exc

Mains Coarse salt Oil Pepper ...

Half the aubergines alongside. Clean the shells. Cut the eggplant meat into cubes and sprinkle the skins inside with salt. Let them pull while you make the fill. Season meat, onions and garlic in oil. Add the aubergines, carved tomatoes, tomato puree, orega

Sides Olive oil Basil Oregano ...

The potatoes are brushed well or peeled and cut into slices about ½ cm thick. Garlic pressed. Oil, basil, rosemary, oregano, garlic and potato slices are put in a plastic bag and shaken well. Place the bag for 1-2 hours and shake occasionally. The potato

Mains Other spices according to taste and pleasure Fat Beef bouillon cube ...

Pour the grease into a pan and brown beef. The lid is chopped and added. Add fried tomatoes, salt, pepper, oregano, spice and broth. Add if necessary. water. While simmering the simmer you can cook the pasta as instructed on the bag. Pour the water from the

Lunch Basil Oregano Paprika ...

Mix the dough together, let it rise for 15 minutes. Roll the dough to a plate 30x40 cm. Grease the cheese, sprinkle on the garlic and spices and roll on the long side, form a horseshoe and put on the joint. Raises approx. 40 minutes, sprinkle with egg and spr

Mains Freshly ground pepper Apple juice or oksebullion Diced tomatoes (400 g) ...

Chop the loaves well, heat a frying pan with oil and put the loaves in. Let the bulbs warm them for approx. 5 min. Put the meat in and brown it completely and stir a saucepan. Peel the carrots and tear them down on a grater or put them in. A food processor. Pu

Various Oregano Cheese Tomato puree ...

Stir the yeast in lukewarm water Add salt Add durum flour Add flour flour slightly and knead it well Divide the dough in about 6 to 8 pieces Let the balls rise for 15 minutes. Brush with tomato pure, put some cheese on and sprinkle oregano