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Recipes with Oregano

Mains Pepper Salt Aubegine (cut small) ...

It all comes in a pan, along with the chicken thighs. It is covered with water and a little salt and pepper where it is boiled for 45 minutes. The frying pan is lubricated with a little olive oil and filled with "rice", so the filling is put inwards and then

Lunch Baking soda Oregano Mozzalrella ...

Turn the oven ON 175 GRADES! Sift wheat flour, graham melt, salt and baking soda in a bowl. Then stir the oregano i. Whip the eggs together with butter and whole milk in another bowl. Stir 2/3 of the tomatoes, the ham and the cheese in. Quickly stir the i

Mains Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

Pizza dough: the first Stir yeast into lukewarm water. 2. Stir salt and oil into the mixture. 3. Bring the flour for a little while until the dough can be kneaded. 4. Eat the dough well. 5. Let the dough rise for 1/2 to 1 hour. 6. Turn on the oven at 225

Base recipes Pepper Salt Basil ...

The yeast is stirred in the water. Salt, oil and flour are added and the dough is well kneaded together. Set for tilting a tight spot approx. 3/4 hours. The lid is cut into small cubes and switched in oil. Then add the peeled tomatoes. After cooking for a f

Mains Pepper Cheese Oregano ...

Dough: Put 1 pack of yeast into 3 dl of lukewarm water. 2 teaspoon salt. 5 sps oil. 9 dl flour were kneaded together. Raises for about 15 min. Fleshy: 2 chopped onion sweets in 2 tablespoons of oil. Add 500 g of beef to 3 dl tomato sauce and 1 teaspoon of

Mains Ketchup Oregano Pepper ...

The finely chopped onion comes in a saucepan and brown until it is almost finished. The meat comes in and is browned completely. The cocktail sausages and mushrooms (optionally with the liquid) are poured into and then stirred for a few minutes. Then the tomat

Mains Basil Curry Oregano ...

Cut the chicken fillets in the tern. Cut the onions nicely. The chicken fillets are spun on the pan with oil, after all have got the color add the onions and 1 teaspoon of curry. Switch it for approx. 2-3 min. Add the following: cream, salsa, chopped tomatoes,

Receptions Other spices Feta Oil ...

Take a lump of dough and make it a thin about 5 cm in diameter pizza. Dip it with some oil to give it a golden surface. Take the oregano and chop it as nicely as possible and sprinkle it on the bread. Do the same with other spices. Now take a lump of feta an