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Recipes with Oregano

Dressing Pepper Salt Coriander ...

Season spices and lemon juice in the yogurt and stir well. Season with salt and pepper. Put the dressing in the fridge a few hours before serving.

Mains Chili after taste Coriander Oregano ...

The fathers are stirred with the ingredients and the blanched vegetables. Form as a meatloaf and put in an ovenproof dish (greased with a little oil). The fried bread is covered with the ketchup-chili-garlic mixture and the bacon is laid upstairs. Bake in the

Mains Bechamel sauce (from the dolmio or other recipe) A bit of tomato puree Spices ...

Meat Oven: Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Chop the onions and tear the carrots. Bring the oil in a saucepan. Add the chopped onion, and then all the meat at once. Leave the meat with a stirrer and stir until it has enough color. Add the chopped tomatoes

Lunch Oregano Grated cheese Ham strips ...

Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water, add 3/4 of flour, and salt and stir well. Add the other ingredients and the last flour. Divide the dough into 3 lumps, rolled out into a square, lubricate with tomato sauce, sprinkle oregano over. Mix the jar with chopped oni

Bread, buns & biscuits Flour as needed Salt Water to dissolve yeast ...

1: The peeled tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, salt and oregano are mixed together. Could possibly. blended. 2: The yeast dissolves with ½ dl. water. 3: The dissolved yeast is placed in the bowl with the other ingredients. 4: Then add flour until the cons

Sauces Basil Fresh pasta Chicken ...

Cut the onions and garlic and bacon fine, raise them until they are slightly brown. Then add chopped tomatoes and cream. Let it boil, then add Basil, Oregano, Pepper, Salt and Pepper to taste. Some Oregano must be used to get the right flavor. Let it cook litt

Mains Other spices as needed Grøntsagsbullion Kyllingebullion ...

First peel potatoes, carrots, onions and parsnips and cut into slices. The oil is poured into a pan where it is heated. When the oil is warm, the different spices are put in, to extract the flavor from them. Remember and stir in the pan. It does not matter th

Mains 1 finely chopped red chilli Basil Oregano ...

Shake the bacon pieces on a pan (they get crisp if the heat is moderate) Picked up on greasy paper / paper roll. Shake the mushrooms in the fat from the bacon, together with onion and garlic. When the bulbs are ready, the meat is added and it is fry until