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Recipes with Onion

Sauces A little parsley Apple vinegar Carrot ...

vegetables peeled and cut into smaller pieces so they quickly through the boil. They are cooked in a pan with 1 dl water or Fund. When the vegetables are cooked, blended together with the rest of the ingredients. Season with salt and pepper. If you think the s

Soups Marjoram Pepper Salt ...

Clean the parsley roots and cut them into thin slices. Cut the onion and apples too thin. Saute all 3 parts in butter and pour broth over. Let the soup simmer for about 1/2 hour before the cream and spices in. Add chopped persillerodstop the last few minutes b

Mains Lemon both Pepper Salt ...

Put the chickpeas to soak overnight. Boil them in fresh water until tender about 1 hour and let them drain. Cut the onion into rings, Peel parsley roots and cut them into sticks. Saute the onion and parsley roots in oil with added Curry. Chickpeas and broth

Soups Garlic, hot style Cream Fresh chopped parsley ...

Potatoes and vegetables are cooked tender and blended. Soup, cream and spices added. By serving a few garlic cloves in each portion. Soup sprinkled with parsley and serve with bread.

Mains Olive oil Salt Oregano, dried ...

Stir in fermented out in the lukewarm water. Getting oil in the mixture. Mix the flour in a little at a time, it is not safe you need to use it all. Let dough raise min. half an hour with a damp cloth. Mix tomato puree, finely grated onion, pressed garlic,

Cold cuts Eggs Onion Sour Apple ...

Chop liver, onion, anchovies, garlic and Apple in the food processor. Whisk the flour into the cold milk and bring to the boil. Melt the butter in the hot jævning. Pipe liver mixture, eggs, salt, pepper and allspice in the mass in molds and Pour. behind it for

Mains Pepper Caraway, seeds Dried Marjoram ...

Warm up the margarine and sauté the chopped onion and the crushed garlic cloves, the onions are ready. Take the Pan from the heat and stir in the paprikaen. Add the meat, which is cut into approx. 4 cm. large pieces. Com broth, cumin, salt and ground pepper

Sides Garlic Onion Oil ...

Cut the tomatoes in four district, seeds and chop the flesh finely boxes. Saute onion and garlic in oil and add tomatkød, oregano or basil, salt and pepper. Simmer 5-10 minutes. Halve four tomatoes and hollow-out them. Fill them tomato sausage meat, sprinkle w