Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Salt Paprika, rose ...

Sauté the coarsely chopped onions and garlic in the olive press/margarine until they are lightly golden. Add the meat and Brown it well. Add the chopped tomatoes, tomato puree, finhakket carrots and mushrooms (with væden from there) and spices and simmer

Sauces Corn starch Pepper Salt ...

Onion peeled and chopped fine. The onion and sauté garlic in pressure fedstsoffet. Add the mushrooms and sauté with. Water, peeled tomatoes, oregano, herbes de provence, chopped parsley, salt and pepper are added. The gravy boil for about 5 mins, with cover an

Mains Lemon juice Potatoes (fresh or cooked potato wedges in the oven) Pepper ...

Pike fillets chopped with onions and the rest of the ingredients are added. Be careful with the cream. Forcemeat may like to be somewhat steady but finally not thin. Let rest a bit. forcemeat The models FRY in equal parts vegetable oil and margarine at medium

Mains The dolmio pasta with extra garlic souse Onion Grated cheese ...

saute the onion and Brown køddet. Add dolmoio if necessary. a bit of oregano. Let it boil for about 5 min. Cook the rice in boiling bags. advantage then, alternating meat sauce and rice (as alm. lasange) and sprinkle grated cheese on. Bake in oven at 200 g. fo

Mains Pepper Salt Turmeric, ground ...

The onion rives and forcemeat stirred together. A pot of water to the boil, turn down at the lowest burner and set dough balls with a teaspoon or Dessert spoon. When they come up to the surface is finished and taken up and placed on a plate, save the cookin

Sides Lemon juice Fresh guard pepper Salt ...

Slice them into thick batons on well 1 cms thickness go 5 cm length. Cut the lget into tiny cubes. Saute the onion in the butter and pour a little water clearly on. Let the water vapour away. Beetroot and eddi core came into the pan. Sprinkle sukkert over them

Mains Pepper Rice (natural or Jasmine) as desired-approximately one bag per man Salt ...

Buns: make small buns out of the meat, onions, oatmeal, potato flour and a little alm. flour and cook them in my 5-10. Rice: Boil the rice in 10-12 Sauce: saute the curry powder min. in the margarine and add the cooking water from the meat. Whisk in the flo

Sides Mushroom Cherry tomatoes Whole garlic cloves ...

Wash all the vegetables and slice the onion, bell pepper and squash into fairly large pieces. Mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and garlic cloves is best all over. Set the vegetables alternately on the spikes and brush them with the garlic oil. The spikes then grille