Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme, dried ...

Fat lining cut from pig jaws. The vegetables cut into cubes and FRY in butter and oil together thoroughly with bacon cut into cubes. Add the thyme, salt and pepper and jaw lumps and let it Brown. Add tomato puree and beer and simmer the meat is tender, a

Mains Wheat flour White pepper Oil ...

Tomato gravy: take a pot put the fresh tomatoes in conjunction with ca. 5 dl. water boil them, blend them. Add salt, pepper, oregano, garlic, take the pan off. Meat sauce: take a new pan melt the margarine add onions and spices lies must be blank. Then add

Lunch Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Boil the chicken with onions, carrots, salt and pepper in 1 1/4 hour. Refrigerate the chicken and meat of the arrow. Discard hulls and skin. Clean the mushrooms and blanchér them in the soup for 3 min. stir in cremefraice and mayonnaise together and season wit

Mains Chili Garlic Pepper ...

Brown meat and onions in a suitable pots, came the rest of the ingredients in and simmer for half an hour before the paste is put over. Velbekommen Tips: fresh pasta should not make more of a ca. 3-5 my

Mains Oil Oregano Paprika ...

Peel the potatoes. Turn on the oven at 225 degrees. Next, cut kartolferne in both of 1/8. So take the appropriate size transparent plastic-bag for potatoes and place a tablespoon of oil in 4-5, add the spices in the bag, a good shot of salt and a little pepper

Cold cuts Allspice Bacon Blubber ...

Liver-blubber-anchovies and onions chopped mixed with the egg cream, flour and spices It is filled into ½ l. foil trays and cover with bacon. Bake in a water bath cir. 50 minutes at 180 gr Can be frozen in raw mode

Mains Potatoes in adequate quantity to fill a platter half up Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes scraped or peeled and cooked in under 10 min then they are cooled down with cold water and cut into smaller pieces (as to the fried potatoes) and filled into a serving dish. Chop the onion a little rough and favor it over the potatoes, add the pea

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Fry the bacon until it is crisp and put it on a paper towel. Coat pork tenderloin and cut it into 2 cm thick slices. Fry the steaks a few minutes on each side, Put the steaks into a baking dish. Mushroom cut into slices and roasted in a dry pan over fill