Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Stegens in layer of fat RIDs in fine cubes. Stir in mustard, finely chopped onions thyme salt and pepper together in a bowl, and butter it well out of the roast. Grill veal on a charcoal grill the culotten must have 25-30 minutes per 500 g of meat, give

Mains Pepper Salt Paprika, edelsuss ...

Arrow the onions and chop them finely. Cut the sausages in the oblique washers. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Brown fat easily in a thick-bottomed pan or sautepande. Saute the onions until they are crisp and golden. Add the flour, paprika and tomato paste an

Soups 4 ovnfaste bowls Pepper Salt ...

Peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes and tomatoes in both. Chop onion, garlic and champinon. Sauté onion and garlic in oil 1 minute. Add the rest of ingredients and småkog the soup in 25 min. Blend the soup. Season with salt and pepper. Benefit the

Sides Pepper Salt Large sprig thyme ...

Arrow the onions and cut them into cubes or slices. Brown onions in butter. When the ergrundigt brunet met the vinegar, sugar and spices in and screwed down at the lowest heat. Let the onions simmer for is is completely marmeladeafgtige, cool off and store in

Dressing Pepper Salt Onion ...

Onion peeled chopped fine. Eggs cooked so they become hard boiled. Capers and pickled cucumbers are chopped finely. When the eggs are picked they must be pressed through a sieve and add mayonaisen together with capers, pickled cucumbers and finely chopped onio

Mains Allspice Rice Sage, dried ...

Start by cooking the rice according to instructions on package. Cut the top of the hokaidoerne and remove the seeds with a spoon Chop the onion and sauté it with meat onions chop into mindres pieces and turned into the meat along with the rice to taste with

Mains Canola oil Salt Sugar ...

Stir all of the ingredients for the dough together and let it raise for about 20 minutes. In between time, the sauce is stirred. Mix all ingredinser to the sauce, and season with salt. Cut the onions in half moon shaped rings and cut the ham into small c

Mains Flütes Green Salad Curry ...

Got plenty of butter on a frying pan. Slice the onion into slices and tomatoes in both. Com salt on one side of the koteletterne and put them on the forehead. Add onion and tomato slices between koteletterne and pepper came on. Come on alternately rest of spic