Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Soups Curry Bay leaves Peppercorn ...

Poularen boiled in water with a little salt and be taken up when the meat is tender Fund have to thin water down to there is a litre and add a bouillionterning. In a pan sauté the following groftskåret herbs onion Apple carrot celery Peppercorn thyme and Bay l

Mains Wheat flour A little chicken powder Oil ...

the chicken is cleaned and placed in a large pot covered with water. celery, parsnip, carrot, onion and Leek cut into coarse cubes and add the chicken cooked in about 3 hours, then pick all the meat from the chicken and the Foundation sifted. melt the butter i

Mains Pepper Rice Salt ...

Neck Fillet cut into 2-3 cm sized terningr. Onion and garlic chopped fine. Meat, onions, hvisløg and masala mix in a bowl, and pulls the ½-1 hour in the refrigerator. Peberfrugten cut into cubes. Kødblandningen fried, tomatoes and broth is poured so by. Simmer

Soups Flûtes Pepper Salt ...

Onion and peberfruger cut into cubes and FRY in a pan with oil. Lentils, broth, lemon juice and thyme are added, and the soup boiled in 5-6 minutes, season with salt and pepper. Tips: The soup is low in fat.

Soups Nutmeg Pepper Franskbrøds toasted croutons ...

Cut lettuce into strips. Melt the butter in a saucepan, came the salad and the finely chopped onion and sauté it herein, for 10 minutes. Came the broth and season with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Simmer, covered, for 30 minutes. Milk came in and warm it thr

Mains Rice Coarse salt Curry ...

saute the Curry in becel add paprika sauté the chopped onion in it until they are shiny and Brown the meat came to add salt, add the tomato puree and water and simmer 1 hour. smooth with corn flour then add cream, cook up and serve with rice Tips: Peel

Mains Paprika Onion Spaghetti ...

Boil spaghettierne boil while you go in time to sear the onions and sausages. On his forehead came a tablespoon of paprika to the Pan along with the sausages and onions. When the spaghettierne is finished pouring the water from them and to get them in the pan

Mains Pepper Salt Cream ...

karfolerne peeled and cut into slices. boil until they are tender. brocollien (if it is with it) is boiled then in ca. 3-4 min. then FRY the potatoes with porrenerne (or brocolien) in ca. 4 min. the onion and ham skræres into slices and FRY in 3 min. Finally c