Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Various Cinnamon (may be omitted) Pepper Salt ...

Flare fat and blubber cut into small cubes. Onion and chop apples. Everything in a saucepan, add spices, sitting over a low heat for a couple of hours. Then pour the fat from and be cold. Garnish with roasted onions and thyme. Greaves can possibly. used as an

Mains A small red bell peppers Pepper Peprika ...

Fry the bacon, but not completely crunchy. slice the onion and bell pepper into cubes and fry them together with the bacon. Add the chopped tomatoes and garlic. Let small boiling for five minutes and then add the cream. Let it simmer for additional 5-10 min. s

Mains Salt Coriander Carnations ...

came oil and butter together in a saucepan, Brown the chicken pieces and take it out of the pan for later use. Fry the onions until they are clear and add karryen, tomatoes, spices, and bouillionen and cream fraichen. Put the chicken pieces back in the Pan and

Sides Onion Blubber ...

Packed chopped through kødmaskinen, place in frying pan with many onions, and FRY/melt until golden. After which the counts are strained, and the fat made from cold.

Soups Lemon juice Crème fraiche 38% Pepper ...

Hollow-out Greek behaved, use if necessary. an ice-spoon. Plug not hole in the bottom or sides! It should be used as a soup tureen. Heat the oil up, and fry the ginger, nutmeg and coriander by even heat in 4-5 minutes. Add the chopped vegetables and stea

Mains Pepper Red pepper Green pepper ...

If you use a whole Turkey Breast, then chop it into the mincer/kitchen machine with bacon-onion-bell pepper-carrot-loaf of bread and sundried tomatoes. Afterwards, add spices and feta cheese. Stir well and FRY in a little oil on the forehead. If you choose to

Lunch Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Let the marinated herring fillets drip. Chop the herbs finely and cut the cucumber into small cubes. Chop the onion coarsely. Mix the vegetables in cream fraichen and season with salt and pepper. Cut the herring fillets out in smaller pieces and turn the

Sides Pepper Milk Eggs ...

Stir the meat cool with salt (always) electric beater. Grate the onion in the forcemeat, add eggs, milk, flour and pepper. Stir well together. Form forcemeat into meatballs and fry them golden brown.