Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Curry Olive oil Oregano ...

Preheat a sautepande or thickened pot, pour a suitable amount of olive oil at (like a couple of tablespoons). Cut the onions and garlics well and transfer to the pan, the sauté until the bulbs are clear (not brown!). Add the beef and brown it lightly. Chop tom

Mains Pepper Rice and bread Salt ...

Cut the onion and yellow onions. Cut down in writing. Cut the tomatoes in both. Place the vegetables in an oven dish and turn 1/2 bunch of cut dill in. Pour 1 dl of water at. Place the salmon fillets on top of the vegetables. Season with salt and pepper. Squee

Lunch Pepper Rye bread. Dark Salt ...

Bring some butter in the saucepan. Cut the onions and brown them in a saucepan. Take the onions Cut the bread in 3-4 cm. pieces. Brown the brown bread in the pot (a couple of minutes). Seasoning with salt and pepper. Put the onions in the pan with the te

Sauces Æbleedikke Freshly chopped tarragon Green tags broth ...

Turn on the oven on 225 gr. Special vegetables in smaller pieces. Bring them and the whole pilled garlic into a pan. Turn with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Behind the vegetables are tender, about 40 minutes. Cool Get it all in a blender with br

Mains Black olives Green pepper Onion ...

Bring all the ingredients on the pizza dough. Finish the ripe cheese. Behind 200 degrees for 20 minutes. Or until the cheese is melted and light brown.

Soups Olive oil Coconut milk Small teaspoon. cardamom ...

Preparation: Blend onion and blend peas / corn separately Season spices, then add onions and let them roast for a short time. Then add 3 dl. Milk and boil and then stir the corn / peas. Taste with salt. Pour the coconut milk and boil. Taste with vinegar

Mains Spices to taste Lasagne sheets Pepper ...

Peel and chop onions, peel the garlic cloves. Brown the beef in a saucepan, then add the onion and squeeze the garlic with a garlic press. Add the two cans of tomatoes and a cup of water. Let it boil. Add the two boulion cubes. Let it boil for 5 minutes. under

Mains Baking soda CA. 1 § ds water Knorr cube ...

Knead the dice dissolve in the water that is warmed, the onions are torn on the grater. Load eggs salt pebbles baking soda and the cooled water is stirred together when it is stirred well, add the flour and stir again until the farmer has the correct consisten