Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Freshly ground pepper A little coarsely ground pepper Salt ...

Peel and chop onion and carrot into slices. Put them lightly on a pan and pour them into a large ovenproof dish. The veal meat is also browned on the forehead, then put it down to the vegetables. Season with salt, pepper and thyme. The pan is boiled with a lit

Mains Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

Arrow and heel loosened. Stir the chopped meat to the father with onion, egg and whipped cream. Crush the pink peppercorns and peel the pepper in the tern. Bring it to the dad with parsley, salt and pepper. Cut a deep pocket in the calf chest. Sprinkle the mea

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Allspice ...

Cut the calves into smaller pieces and cut the vegetables. Heat oil and butter in a pan and brown tails. Add the vegetables, a little salt, pepper and broth. Let it simmer under the lid for 2-2½ hours until the meat is tender. Remove the meat, terminate

Mains Meljævning Pepper Salt ...

Mix 1/2 teaspoon of thyme with parmesan, finely chopped chilli pepper, crushed garlic, cottage cheese and egg yolk. Bank the cutlets completely flat, put 2 slices of bacon on each and benefit filled. Fold the sides in and fold the meat together. Fast with meat

Mains Groftkværnet pepper Green bell pepper Onion ...

Veal the veal with eggs, finely chopped onion, rasp, salt and pepper. The milk is added gradually. The fathers are put in a refrigerator for 15 minutes. The peppers are cut into small tern and stirred in the farmer. The fathers are formed into 8 small fried br

Mains Paprika Parsley Black pepper ...

Wash the beans and clean them for stems and seeds. Sprinkle some salt well on the inside. Chop the onions nicely and brown them in the grease. Add the peppers and rice. Let it shake a little and add 1 dl of warm water. Add the meat, the peeled and chopped toma

Mains Eggs Lemon Onion ...

Calf Carrots: Mix chopped veal with finely chopped onions, eggs, capers and chopped sardellas. Spice with pepper. Let the father rest while preparing the accessories: Form four calves. Turn them in flour and put them in butter and oil on the forehead at mediu

Mains EVS. 1 tbsp butter Pepper Salt ...

Stir the meat with salt, rasp, egg and milk in the order. Add finely chopped onion and ginger and season with salt and pepper. While the farmer rests a bit, cut grapefruit shreds. The two grapefruits are squeezed and the other two cut out of the white skin and