Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains EVS. a little nutmeg (grated) Pepper Mushroom ...

The fish fillets are dripped with lemon and draws approx. 10 min. The fish are sprinkled with salt, split lengthwise and rolled together, held together with a toothpick. A poultry is made of white wine, added pepper, laurel leaves and 1 onion in a quarter, boi

Appetizers Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Peel the lid well and chop it in a saucepan with the finely chopped ham. The silver bed leaves are cut and put into the pan and the lid is laid on, it will all simmer for 20-30 minutes. The nuts are dulled and the whole is leveled with the flour and water is a

Appetizers Pepper Salt Egg yolk ...

Dip the butter dough. Arrow and cut loose roughly. Clean the mushrooms and chop them well. Brown 20 g butter on the pan, grate onions and mushrooms in about 15 min. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Set the mixture to cool. Cut the ham into small terns. Sti

Sides Minced parsley Paprika Butter ...

Cut the cabbage pie for approx. 1 cm thick slices and cook them half-lour in the water. Deep them in soy flour flavored with paprika and broth powder. Step them lightly in butter. Cut the onions into thin slices and lightly brown them in butter. Pour the cabba

Soups EVS. a little broth A little special slugs mixed spice Pepper ...

Onions and parsley are chopped nicely and the snails are quenched. Chop the sauté in butter and add snails, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper. Then turn a little rasp in and add white wine and whipped cream. Can be served with breadcroutons, fried golden in but

Appetizers Whole black peppercorns Salt Carrot ...

The ingredients for the court bouillon are boiled together for 20 minutes. The sauce: To the curry of the court-bouillon it will boil for 1 dl. Asparagus is boiled, 3 minutes for the green and 4-5 minutes for white asparagus. With the short cooking time, t

Mains Chinese cabbage Garlic Ginger root in ca. 2.5 cm ...

Boil the rice. Bring the peas in salted water (½ teaspoon salt) and boil them for 5 min. Pour the water off. Peel the gingerbread and chop it well. Arrow and press whitewashed. Cut onion and chinakilla in slices. Heat the oil in a large frying pan and

Mains Lemon Pepper Saffron threads ...

Cut the chicken into the tern and brown it in the oil and let it spin for 10 minutes. The meat is taken up. Chopped onion, squeezed garlic, rice and saffron. When it is switched in the oil, the meat is put back into the pan. Add 6-8 dl chicken broth and sal