Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Salt Small bunch parsley ...

Turn the calf hearts with salt and pepper and stir them quickly in a very warm wok with butter and oil. Take the meat up. Now sip finely sliced ​​onions for 3 minutes. And add cleaned mushrooms in a quarter. Leave them brown and sprinkle with broth and simmer

Mains Watercress Fat for frying Flour ...

Turn the liver slices into salt and pepper mixed flour. Step them on both sides of the fat on the forehead. Take them off the forehead and keep them warm. Ko sliced ​​onions and shredded peppers on and let them sniff for a few minutes. Bring half of the bouill

Mains Salt Egg yolk Crushed green peppercorns in brine ...

Put the meat in a pan and pour boiling water to cover it. Bring it to the boil and foam the soup. Add onions and carrots cut into smaller pieces, salt, peppercorns, bay leaves and thyme. Let the meat boil for a little heat for 1-1 ¼ hours until it is tender.

Mains Pepper Salt Carrot ...

Remove the barriers from the liver. Turn the liver into salt and pepper mixed flour. Pil the onions and cut carrot and celery into small tern. Let butter and oil be warm on a forehead and brown liver on all sides. Take it up and put it in an ovenproof dish. Se

Sides Pepper Salt Onion ...

Cut squash, apples and onions in small tern. Saute briefly in oil in a saucepan. Simmer for 15 minutes and blend the mixture and add butter. Heat it through and season with salt and pepper.

Mains Pepper Salt Chili ...

The liver is cut into thin slices which are turned into the mixture of flour, curry, salt and pepper and slightly fried in the heated oil approx. 5 minutes. Then they are put in a dish. The onions are sliced ​​and sliced ​​with the crushed garlic. Carrots, chi

Mains Thyme Calf's liver selected as light as possible Bacon ...

Brown the liver in olive oil on a pan or in a jar. Season with salt and pepper. Come to the oven and step approx. 25 minutes at 200 degrees C. alm. oven. Leave it rested 10 minutes before cutting it out. Cut the bacon into the tern and brown them in the pan

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Peel the slice cut into thin slices. Sauté them golden brown in 2 tablespoons of oil. Rinse and wipe the liver. Cut it into thin slices and put them in another pan of olive oil together with sage leaves. Steps to the liver are not red anymore. First, season wi