Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Sides Pepper Salt Cod fillet without skin ...

Pipe fish and onions through the meat chopper, egg, flour, potato flour and spices. Stir on the pan with good heat in ½ butter and ½ oil

Mains Garlic Pepper Parsley ...

Make the dad of the meat, the eggs, the pears and the onion, sliced ​​and sliced ​​for half an hour, bacon in cubes, chopped chestnuts, potatoes in small cubes, finely chopped parsley and garlic. Season with salt and pepper. Fill the piglets with the dad. S

Appetizers Pepper Salt Onion ...

The sponges are cleaned and cut into slices. Is a card boiled in leachate water. Sieved and poured with ice-cold water. The sponges are thoroughly dried in the kitchen roll. Meanwhile, parsley garlic and onions. The lid is finely chopped and white-laid pressed

Soups Pepper Salt Dried fennel ...

Cut ginger and onions into smaller pieces. Cut the coarse of the cabbage leaves and divide them into smaller pieces. Blanch for 1 minute in plenty of boiling water added salt. Cut the bulb into cubes - remove the core housing. Sauter onions, ginger and cabbage

Salads Pepper Salt Cream 13% ...

Cut the root of the salad and pick the leaves apart. Bring plenty of well-salted water to boil and blanch the salad leaves shortly. Pour the water off and rinse the leaves in very cold water. Let them drip off. Pil onion as well as garlic and chop it very nice

Mains Mushroom Onion Loose rice or flutes or asparagus potatoes ...

The rice is boiled according to the instructions on the bag. The chicken breasts are cooked golden / brown approx. 10 minutes after which they are kept warm. (Must not be passed. Onions, mango fruit, mushrooms are chopped and put on the forehead, after a

Appetizers Pepper Salt Cream ...

The wooded end is broken by the asparagus and steamed in leachate water for 5 minutes. sauce: The loaf is chopped and swirled in butter. The wine is added and cooked to half. Broth and saffron are added. Cream and corn starch together and stir in the sauce

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Onion ...

Liver, onions, bacon and boneless herring are run through the meatbaker several times, after which the farmer is stirred for a long time with the spices, cream, eggs and flour. The parsley is poured into a form covered with teaspoon and baked in a water bath a