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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Pepper Juice of 1 lemon Salt ...

Heat the oil in a large pot, add onion and chicken pieces and cook for 5 minutes until the chicken begins to brown. Add potatoes, carrots and bay leaves and turn for approx. 3 minutes, stir around so it is not jammed. Pour the chicken food and season with salt

Mains Crème fraiche 38% Tarragon, fresh Egg yolk ...

Blanches the vegetables in salted water. Let them cool off. Turn the vegetables into chopped capers, estragon, cream fraiche, one of egg yolks, salt and pepper. Put the thinned butter dough together and roll it out to double size. Divide the butter dough in

Mains Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Clean the mushrooms and mushrooms and chop them roughly. Chop onions and garlic nicely and place them in a thickened pot. Let the onions roast in oil and butter. Add mushrooms and mushrooms and simmer for a few minutes. Put the rice in and let them spin until

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Brown the chops in the oil. Take them away and put them in a flame dish. The suite pressed garlic on the forehead. Add mustard and cream. Bring to boil and season with salt and pepper. The sauce is poured over the cutlets. The dish is placed in a 200 deg

Mains Hamburger buns Iceberg lettuce (about a magazine per burger) Ketchup ...

Snack the pepper loosely chopped and chopped. Snack pepper, onions and garlic add to the beef. Spice it with olive oil, peppers, salt and pepper as desired. Let it take 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Then let it rest outside the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Mains Herb mix Oil Pepper ...

Blanches the vegetables in salted water. Let them cool off. Turn the vegetables into chopped capers, estragon, cream fraiche, one of egg yolks, salt and pepper. Put the thinned butter dough together and roll it out to double size. Divide the butter dough in

Various Basil Pepper Rosemary ...

Cut the top of the tomatoes and pour them out. The tomato stock is boiled with vinegar, approx. 15 min. And squeezed through a sieve (the liquid is to be used) the dough is dazzled and mixed with castello, egg yolk, spices. Peel the pine nuts, about half of t

Bread, buns & biscuits Olive oil Salt Sugar ...

Crumble the yeast in the lukewarm water. Pour most of the flour into a bowl of salt, olive oil and sugar. Eat it all about 10 min. Brush a bowl of olive oil and pour the dough into it. Cover it and allow it to rise for 1 hour. Bring the dough on a table with