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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains 1 red chilli (like dried) or jalapenos Apple Cucumber ...

- Butter a alm. Size dish. - Switch on the oven at approx. 200 degrees (hot air) - Onions, peppers, carrots (& lt; peeled) and cut into cubes. - Find a big pot. Oil comes in and then the onions along with oregano, basil, chili or spices to taste. - When go

Mains Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Season the chopped onions in the olive oil and add the mushrooms cut into slices. Let it simmer for 10 min. And then mix the rice in. After 5 min. Pour the white wine over. Let it evaporate and then add to the broth until it is covered. Once the rice has sucke

Mains Olive oil Bouillon cube Chili pepper ...

Pork, garlic and parsley chopped and mixed in the meat with the cloves. Molded into small steaks, brune and put into a greased dish. The vegetables are finely sliced ​​and chewed on the pan, then add water, broth and cream. Let it boil well. The tomatoes ar

Mains Cress Pepper Salt ...

Potatoes: Boil the potatoes in salted water and then sprinkle them with parsley The meat: Season the meat with rosemary, salt and pepper - then add them to the olive oil (about 5 minutes on each side). Cut possibly. The fat edge from. Cucumber sauce: Cut

Sides Olive oil Garlic Peppers ...

Start cutting the peppers into strips and baking them in the oven for approx. 20 min at 160 degrees. Then put the peppers in a blender together with the garlic. Blend it together into a uniform paste with a little olive oil. Add the parmesan and blend smoothl

Sides Spices to taste fx. Rosemary whole Peppercorn thyme oregano (wine) vinegar Salt ...

Take all the fat out of the garlic. Let the skulls stay on. Bring water, vinegar and salt to boil. Cook the garlic cloves here for approx. 5 minutes. Take the garlic cloves up, let them cool and pil them. Bring garlic cloves into a glass and enjoy spices

Mains Basil Chili Olive oil ...

Bring a refractory dish and put the baking pan and butter it with olive oil so you are sure the cheese does not melt. Cut the cheese into blocks, for example. 4x4, pour peeled tomatoes, and parsley, basil and chili. Put in the oven until the cheese melts sl

Sides Pepper Salt Apple ...

Cut the red cabbage fine. Peel the apple and cut it into the tern. Arrow the oranges - remove the white skin and cut them into the tern. Mix red cabbage, apple and oranges. Stir the dressing together and mix with the red cabbage.