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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains And rocket of your choice quantity Peeled tomatoes Onion ...

Start by setting the oven at 180 degrees. First make the dough. Beat the water and then stir the yeast. Then put the olive oil and salt into the end of the flour. (The flour should only stick slightly to the finger). Then the dough must rise for 10-15 minutes.

Appetizers Chili pepper Olive oil Black olives (pitted makes the job easier!) ...

The two cloves of garlic are crushed and crushed with a knife blade. The toasts are opened and the tuna is dripped from the oil. The olives are chopped roughly (if they are not cut out, they are roughly cut and the stone is discarded) In a deep saucepan tha

Mains Basil Olive oil Oregano ...

The lid is chopped and sliced ​​in olive oil on the pan with sausages or bacon until golden. Salt, pepper, basil and oregano are added to taste. Green beans and peas are boiled in water with a little salt added and then turned into the mixture on the pan af

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Chop onion / garlic and spoon in oil with spices for a few minutes. Add peeled tomatoes, orange juice, sugar, salt and pepper. Let the dish spin for about ½ hour. Cut the peppers into fine strips and 5 x 5 cm fish. Add the peppers and simmer for 5 minutes. Tas

Mains Hot pepper (to taste) Flat strøgen teaspoon salt Flat strøgen teaspoon black ground pepper ...

The beans are soaked in cold water for 12 hours. Then boil in plenty of salted water for half an hour. Throw away boiling water. Beans moses. Onion and garlic chopped nicely and comes into the mashed beans. Add the other ingredients and stir it all to a regula

Cold cuts Vegetable stock Curry Paprika ...

The cottage cheese is dripped for a few hours in a cheese dress. Season the spices in the hot oil for a moment. The onions are chopped and added together with crushed garlic. The onions are switched until ready. The broth is poured and the mixture is cooled

Cold cuts Millet flakes Onion Tomatoes ...

The aubergines are cut into small cubes and put into saline for 30 minutes. They are dropped. The onions are chopped well and swirled in the oil for a couple of minutes. The tomatoes are chopped and added. The aubergine dishes are finely chopped and put tog

Mains Ribbon pasta of your choice Olive oil Pepper ...

The frozen prawns are put in the sink in a sieve. Bring water and sprinkle a little coarse salt. When they are thawed a little is cleaned and peeled the tiger prawns. (If ordinary shrimps are cleaned and the tail is peeled off) About seven good tassels. Chi