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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Pepper Salt Chicken broth ...

Boil broth so it is ready to add. Cut onions and chops in oil and butter on mild heat for approx. 1 min. Turn up the heat, add rice and the whole is heated for another 2 minutes. Then add white wine and after it has been taken into the rice add a dl broth.

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Chop all the ingredients roughly and mash them with a spelled blender (or else) Served for beef, pork or lamb. Ideal for culotter.

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Boil broth so it is ready to add. Cut the onions and peppers, crunch garlic and season with tomato puree and oil for mild heat for approx. 1 min. Meat is added and cooked for a further 5 minutes. Turn up the heat, add rice and the whole is heated for anothe

Buffets Pepper Salt Cold water ...

Butter a 12-hole muffin. Dough To bottom: 125 grams of wheat flour in a food processor together with whole wheat flour flour. 1 crsp salt and 100 g butter and blend until it looks like rough rasp. Bring the mixture into a large bowl and stir the parmesan.

Mains Feta Oil for frying Pepper ...

You can add feta of your choice and quantity. I used feta in the tern and cut them into a little smaller pieces. Used a good handful of terns. Chop the parsley and put it in a bowl with the meat and fat. Chop garlic into small pieces, or you can just squeeze

Mains Dill, fresh Curry Coriander, ground ...

Stir chopped onion with oil and add chopped pepper. After 2 min, add the garlic and shrimp until golden. Add tomato sauce, salt, curry, pepper and coriander, water and dill. Lower set heat and leave for 3-4 min. Then the shrimp is ready. tips: You can u

Sides Olive oil Cayenne pepper Paprika ...

Mix the ingredients of the rub together. Clean the greens and tendons of the meat. Rub the meat well into the rub. Put the meat in a bag, squeeze the air and put it on my fridge. 6 hours. Place the meat in a small pan and add water until it is appr

Soups Grated nutmeg Salt Chili ...

The earthquakes may be a bit cumbersome and if you follow all clever heads, they always say that you have to make sure you peel them well and it is worth the effort and white soup! -I just like a little structure, so I peeled only half of the potatoes to get a