Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Oil

Bread, buns & biscuits Fill Sugar Salt ...

Mix yeast and lukewarm water together and stir it to act or is dissolved. Oil, salt, sugar and flour is stirred in, ælttes well to it is very steady. portion dough into 2 equal pieces and form them elongated. They should then lie down for about 10 min. Then ro

Sides Pepper Salt Vegetable stock ...

Wash all the vegetables and cut them out. Butter dish with oil. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees c. drain (broth) over the vegetables. Style it in the oven for about 1 hour. Tips: Can eat for chicken, pork and Turkey meat.

Lunch Wheat flour Sea salt Dill ...

Clean herrings, take out the anchovies, but let filéterne hang together in the back. Sprinkle the belly with salt and chopped parsley or dill. Cut a slanted incision in the skin on each side and turn the herring in wheat flour. Golden fry them in oil. Se

Mains Salt Oil Paprika strong ...

The bread cut into slices and roasted on the grill-plate the ham is cut out, so the pieces fit into the kettles, served on a platter. Peberfrugten halved, washed, cleaned and cut into small cubes. The eggs are beaten with cream, salt and pepper, add the pepper

Mains Breadcrumbs Eggs Flutes ...

Flutene is cut on the bias into thick slices and roasted on raclette-Grill. Camemberten cut into 1 cm thick slices and served on a platter. The eggs are turned out and whipped with a fork with cream and breadcrumbs mixed in. Egg mixture is poured into 6 small

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

The meat is cut into coarse cubes and sauté in the pan. Add the Pearl onions and mushrooms, which are cut into smaller pieces. FRY it all golden brown. Sprinkle about 1 tablespoon of wheat flour and stir. Com red wine, broth and spices. The Court let Cook o

Mains Lemon juice Oil for cooking Oil for frying ...

Rådyrryg: cut the fillet from the leg and place it aside. Sauce: cut the anchovies into pieces and brown them in a large frying pan with onion and carrot. Add the red wine and a sprig of thyme, reduce to 1/3. Pour the veal and Cook, covered, on Fund for abo

Mains Salt Lemon juice thereof Oil ...

Cut the medaljonerne out and squeeze them flat with your hand. Sprinkle a little salt on and benefit madagascarpeberet on each piece of meat, only on one side. Got butter/oil in the Pan and let the shower by. Put medaljonerne on and roast the meat nicely brown