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Recipes with Oil

Mains A handful of herbs (like parsley) A couple of handfuls of cabbage Oatmeal ...

While the potatoes boil (without salt) chopped nuts, vegetables and seasonings in a blender-not too fine, there may be a little bite in. They boiled potatoes and mix in moses. Salt, pepper and paprika and a little oil, add and stir around. Eggs, milk and oatme

Mains Basil Oil Pepper ...

Filled Plaice m. Parsley sauce: Cooked in oven from frozen. Preheat the oven to 200 ° c. Place the filled plaice in the middle of the oven. Cooking time is 22-25 minutes at more than 2 servings in the oven baking time will be extended. Butter fried potatoes

Mains Pepper Salt Cream 13% ...

Sautee carrots, onion, Apple and celery in oil. Sprinkle curry powder over and Grill for everything have got color. Add the grøntsagsboullion and cook the vegetables tender for about 45 min. Blend, warm, add cream and season with salt and pepper. Velbekomm

Mains Orange slices Salt Iceberg lettuce ...

Baked Pork fillet: prepared in oven from frozen. Preheat the oven. Place the product on a preheated baking sheet – possibly. on baking paper – in the middle of the oven. The cooking time for the oven is about 50 minutes at 200 ° c or hot air oven about 45 minu

Mains Wheat flour Suit Pepper ...

Put the meat in a bowl, stir all kryderrierne together with the oil and pour over the meat, let it træke a few hours like overnight in the refrigerator. Clean all the vegetables and arrow and halvver onion. Cut it all into thin slices. take a saucepan melt

Mains Pasta Gravy Oregano ...

com honey lime juice oil and spices in a plastic pot, warm it in the microwave. the mixture is poured over the chicken, and fried in oven for about 3 quarter of 200/c. (gravy) pour the væden from the chicken after about 1/2 time up in a saucepan, add the 1

Mains Garlic Oregano, fresh Pepper ...

A baking pan brushed with oil and the potatoes cut into slices and coming a little oil over, and salt and pepper to taste. They cleaned the cut half the chickens over and rubbed with salt and pepper inside. One is chicken with skin side up of, the fur brus

Base recipes A little salt Milk Oil ...

Mix the milk with the same amount of water and salt. Make a batter of flour and water. Knead eventually oil. Roll out dough very thin out and plugs round plates with a laying out or a liqueur glass. Place the selected fill on each plate, fold them together