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Recipes with Minced beef

Mains Freshly ground pepper Parsley Oilseed rape ...

Chop the hard-boiled eggs finely and mix it with the beef, the chopped beetroot, capers, chopped parsley, the raw egg and it diced onions ~ onion can possibly. Sauté lightly until it is blended into forcemeat. Form four patties and turn them in bread crumbs

Mains Fat for frying Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes moses and mix with the other parts. Formes to steaks, which Brown and fry over a low heat until they are passed on through fried. Served with hasselbackkartofler and boiled broccoli or with fried eggs on rye bread.

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

The meat is shaped into 4 steaks, Brown in butter in a frying pan and seasoned with salt and pepper. The steaks are taken up. The onions chopped and toasting lightly on the forehead. Came the peeled tomatoes and mash them a little. Let it boil well through.

Mains Mushroom Cherry tomatoes Courgettes ...

Stir all ingredients well together first, and let rest a bit. forcemeat So forms you small oval-shaped meatballs, which put on the barbecue spit together with URf.eks. small pieces of bacon, Zucchini, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes or other. Brush with oil a

Mains Roughly chopped parsley Soy sauce for brushing Freshly ground pepper ...

Put the breadcrumbs soaked in milk for about 10 min and stir the chopped meat with salt, pepper and onion. Add the soaked bread crumbs a little at a time and let rest a bit. forcemeat Form 12 small patties that are wrapped with a strip of bacon and put in a sm

Mains Lemon juice White wine Meljævning ...

Breadcrumbs, water, salt and pepper stirred together. Stands and draws approximately 10 minutes. Now mix the minced meat in and stir it well with the egg. Form forcemeat for 8 buns, pressing a little flat and ombindes with bacon slices, fixed with a stick.

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Knead the meat with onions and spices, form it into 20 balls and put them cold a few hours if necessary. longer. Tomato-olive-nut sauce: saute the onions in a pan in the hot oil, while stir, add all the other ingredients except the olives and almonds and co

Soups Basil or Rosemary. Garlic powder Pepper ...

Chop the onion and bell pepper, slice the Leek in rings, the carrots into slices and cut white cabbage finely. Saute the vegetables in the fat. Brown the meat and mix it with the vegetables. Add the rice and tomato puree, pour broth over. Salt lightly an