Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced beef

Mains Pepper Salt Chili sauce ...

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Mix onion, egg, bread crumbs, sausage meat, salt and pepper together and roll them into meatballs. Heat the oil in a frying pan and Brown the meatballs. Put them in a dish. Mix sauce ingredients except peaches into a bowl. Pour

Mains To increase the effect, you can try to get 1 chopped raw red/green chili fruit in kødretten Pepper Barbecue ...

Cook the pasta with a little salt in the water. Brown the meat in a pan, came half of the water in the pan. The rest of the water, tomato paste and seasoning mix in a small bowl. Then moses white onion into the bowl. The mixture is poured down to the meat and

Mains Pepper Salt Celery, sliced ...

Mix squash slices with salt and let it soak, while forcemeat is prepared. Fry onions, celery, and meat. Add tomatoes and spices and let it cook for a few minutes. Pressure water of squash slices and rinse them quickly free of salt. Pour a thin layer of fars in

Mains Pepper Salt Minced parsley ...

Cut the bacon into small cubes and sauté them in a thick-bottomed pan in oil. Add the sliced onion and it diced beef and let it spin, to the flesh has changed color. Mix the sliced carrots in conjunction with fintsnittede pale celery stalks. Add water or broth

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices and give them a brief rehashing in salted water. Let kålbladene get a short rehash. Saute the minced meat and chopped onion in oil in a pan and mix tomato puree in. Let it spin briefly. Remove it from the heat and st

Mains Pepper Salt Ground chili ...

White cabbage cut in quarters, freed from stok, chop finely and mix with curry. Desiccated coconut is mixed with water and filtered. Cabbage and coconut milk mix and put into a saucepan. steamed tender under the lid and season with salt and pepper. The meat is

Mains Groftkværnet pepper Comments Sour cream 18% ...

The margarine in a pan, Brown the meat came in. Add squeezed garlic, carrots, onions and bell pepper and let it sear before water is poured in. Let it simmer under a lid ca. 10 min. Add caraway, red wine vinegar, paprika, salt and pepper and let the Court Cook

Mains Fresh thyme Chervil Pepper ...

Rinse and chop the herbs and knead them in the flesh. Form four patties and fry them in a frying pan in butter and oil. Season with salt and pepper and serve with URf.eks. Scalloped potatoes.