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Recipes with Minced beef

Mains Pepper Salt Dried green pepper ...

The steaks are shaped and fried as/beefburgers. Kaikan, split, the stone is taken out, and skinned by the shell. Avocado flesh moses with a fork and stir in the salt, onion and lemon juice. Peberen crushed in a mortar or between two spoons and stir in 1 spoonf

Mains (potatoes mini carrots baby corn sugar peas and bearnaise sauce) Margarine or butter for frying "santa maria" pepper mixture to sprinkle on steaks ...

The minced meat mixed with mustard, salt and pepper mixture. Everything is stirred well together and shaped into 4 large patties. These sprinkled with pepper mixture and FRY in margarine or butter. Let steaks rest a bit before they are eaten. Serving: oven-fri

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

The meat is shaped into four steaks, pressing a little flat. The steaks FRY for a few mins in butter, seasoned with salt and pepper and place in a heat-proof platter. The tomatoes cut into slices and spread over the steaks. Onion and garlic chopped and sprinkl

Mains A little alfalfa sprouts Pepper Salt ...

Stir in the minced meat into sausage meat with mustard powder, bread crumbs, milk, salt and pepper. Brown the butter in a frying pan and came forcemeat on. Fold it well with a palette knife and let the roast 3-4 minutes. Cut the tomatoes into slices and peberf

Mains Fresh chopped Basil or parsley Pepper Salt ...

Cut a lid of the tomatoes, and hollow-out them with a teaspoon. Save the land set aside. Cut the courgetten in pieces on a par with the tomatoes, and hollow-out them so little bottom is preserved. Save the land set aside. Sauté the onion in the oil, add the me

Mains Pepper Salt Butter BLOBs ...

Stir in the minced meat with egg whites and bread crumbs and stir broth in. mix the finely chopped peppers and add to the forcemeat. Sauté the coarsely chopped mushrooms briefly in oil. Let them cool a little before they also mix in crushed garlic cloves seaso

Mains Pepper Beef broth Oregano ...

Brown meat in butter and so all the pieces as possible. In this mix Quark, spices, tomatoes and the frozen vegetables and broth. A total of småkoges in 10 minutes. The twisted pasta mixed in and the right season.

Mains Green bell pepper for garnish Salt Chili sauce or jalapeno ...

Let beans drain in a sieve. 'S Chili's and cut them into narrow strips. Melt the fat in a large pan and gently fry the løgende, for they are clear. Add the meat and stir it with a fork until it separates and changes color. Add tomatoes, chili strips and beans