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Recipes with Minced beef

Cold cuts A little whipping cream A little bread crumbs Pepper ...

Mushrooms cleaned and chopped finely with a knife. Chop chop. All ingredients are stirred together and shaped like a French bread. This put in a greased casserole dish, which poured 1-2 cans peeled tomatoes. Prepared in oven 175-200 degrees for about 1 hour. T

Mains Pepper Salt Delicatessen paprika ...

Prepare mashed potatoes (use recipe accordingly). Let the butter is golden in a thick-bottomed pan and add the paprika. Let paprikaen shower by. Saute the meat in butter and loose and add the tomato ketchup, salt and pepper. Let kødsovsen småsnurre, covered, f

Mains Pepper Marjoram Paprika ...

Gulerøderne cut into slices. the onions cut into thin both. Carrots and onions Sauté in margerinen. The minced beef and paprika and sauté with added, to the meat separates. Tomatoes cut into cubes and add along with the other ingredients. The Court twirling un

Mains A little green A little garlic salt Pepper ...

The meat is mixed with eggs, flour, salt, pepper, chopped onions and thyme. Stir well together and have to thin water down with milk. Let stuffing rest 1 hour. Form meatballs with a spoon and fry them in the butter in the pan. Scalloped potatoes: Potatoes p

Mains Rye bread Butter Egg yolks ...

Beef mixed with; egg yolks, capers and beets, are shaped to 2/beefburgers and FRY about 8-10 min on each side, seasoned with salt and pepper. Served with bread and butter.

Mains Pepper Salt Apple ...

Sveskerne soak in hot water. Peel the Apple, remove the core and cut it into small cubes. Knead the meat with Apple cubes, chopped prunes, salt and pepper and form four patties. Pak steaks into bacon and set them in a 220 degrees c. alm. oven to Bacon is fr

Mains Oil Finely chopped chives Mozzarella ...

The meat is split into 8 parts, steaks will be printed out with a palette knife out into 8 thin patties. On 4 of the steaks for a slice of mozarellaost is sprinkled with chives. The other emphasis is on top and trukkes firmly to the edge, so the cheese is tota

Mains Freshly ground pepper Parsley Saffron ...

Forcemeat is stirred thoroughly by chopping the meat, blubber, the chopped onion and garlic, egg, the spices, the chopped parsley and maizenaen. Form forcemeat into eight patties, FRY on both sides in butter as six – eight minutes and then made hot. Click løgg