Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Crème fraiche 38%

Mains Pepper Salt Green peas. frozen ...

Ærtemos: Add the peeled garlic cloves into a pot of boiling water and boil them for a few minutes. The peas came in and cook it for three minutes. Com salt in the water. When the peas are cooked finished, pour peas and garlic through a strainer and drip easil

Desserts (cold) Vanilla pod Lemon juice Crème fraiche 38% ...

Came the cleaned, flushed rose hips in a pan with water and the split vanilla pod. Simmer about 20 minutes, to the fruits are completely tender. Add sugar and lemon juice and let it cook for a few mins. SI bed sheet into a clean saucepan and boil it into a

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Tarragon ...

Cut the clutter and top of Darin buds. Came the onions in a bowl with boiling water. Let them stand for a moment, the soft shell of arrow. Cut the Turkey Breast into cubes. Soak the dried forest mushrooms as directed on package. Melt the butter in a heavy S

Mains EVS. saucemel Pepper (freshly ground) Coarse salt ...

Let the butter is golden in a frying pan. Brown the fillet of beef 2 min. on each side (4 min. in total). Pour water and spices in. Roast the fillet on a low heat and under the lid ca. 15 min. on each side (30 total). Screw if necessary. up the heat for a mome

Mains Salt Butter Water ...

Dough: grease and water boiled up as greasy melts and cools again. The salt is mixed in the flour in a bowl and fat mass kneaded gradually in to a fixed smooth dough. The dough is covered with plastic wrap and rest in the fridge for an hour. Meanwhile prepa

Cold cuts Oil Salmon/lumpfish ROE Lemon juice ...

RID salmon of EVS. bones and skins. Chop it through the fine holes on the mincer. Do you have a food processor it can with advantage be used instead. Stir gently with the finely chopped onion so forcemeat, mustard and the cleaned fish roe (see recipe lumpfish

Sauces Freshly ground pepper Whipped cream Small dill sprigs ...

Blendt cream and dill in approx. 20 sec. Got sour cream in a small saucepan and warm it up to the boiling point. Stir the egg yolks together in a bowl. Whisk a little of the warm sour cream in æægeblommerne and then pour it back into the Pan under the still

Mains EVS. saucemel Freshly ground pepper Fresh cut Cress ...

Let the butter is golden in a frying pan. Brown the fillet of beef 2 min. on each side (4 min. in total). Pour water and spices in. Roast the fillet on a low heat and under the lid ca. 15 min. on each side (30 total). Screw if necessary. up the heat for a mome