Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Crème fraiche 38%

Mains Pepper Salt Pickled lingonberry ...

Animal Club rubbed on all sides with a mixture of fresh squeezed garlic and crushed juniper berries. Half of the butter in a frying pan and Brown the roast well on all sides and seasoned with salt and pepper. Turn down. Pour the hot Fund over and cook 2-2 ½ ho

Cakes in form Cinnamon, ground Butter Sugar ...

Wheat flour, powdered sugar and baking powder mix. Margarine (into small pieces) are added and the dough and break into pieces together so it looks like grated cheese. The milk is added and the dough come together. The dough is made cold for 30 min. The dou

Mains Fettucine Fresh basil leaves Pepper ...

Cut some cut lengthwise in the trimmed tenderloin. Fillet blades out of a flat piece of meat with the inside facing up. Rub the inside with a little salt and pepper and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Butter 75 g hvidløgsost out on the mørbradens inside and sprinkl

Mains Crème fraiche 38% Dill Whipped cream ...

Shrimp is particularly suitable for gratinating. The onto of and served on a platter. Flutene sliced and lunes at raclettegrillen. Cfire rinsed and chopped. Half is mixed with cream, sour cream, mustard, lemon juice, sherry and a little salt. The other h

Mains Greek barbecue spice Pepper Salt ...

The parsley thoroughly rinsed, and chopped. Feta cut into smaller pieces. Cutting a "Pocket" on the fattest place in the Turkey Breast, and feta + parsley put into the "Pocket". Volume of cotton yarn around the Turkey Breast, and lace the well to, so the st

Sides Fresh tarragon Oil Capers ...

Cut the top of the tomatoes and scrape the insides out. Saute celery and squash quickly. Add the capers, garlic, tarragon and some of the tomato juice, to consistency is appropriate. This advantage in the four tomatoes and got creme fraiche on top. Sprinkle wi

Desserts (warm) Vanilla sugar Banana Crème fraiche 38% ...

Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt it over a water bath in a pan. Warm the cream gently beside, and stir it in chocolate, little by little. Chocolate mass should be warm, but do not reach the boiling point. Tube cognac in the aftertaste to the very

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

The salmon out in a greased form. Oil, lemon peel and salt stirred together and brush on the fish. Kokossen sprinkled over. Made in a 225 degree C. alm. oven for about 15-20 minutes. Corn flasks halved, and brushed with oil and place in a small greased dish