Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Crème fraiche 38%

Mains Fresh guard pepper Coarse salt Large potatoes ...

Let the butter be browned in a sauté pan. Brown the meat for about 2 min. Pour the red wine and water at. Add the paprika, salt and pepper and let the meat Cook on a low heat, covered, for about 1 1/2 and hour. Add the peppers and onions. The Court let C

Lunch Radishes (for garnish) Lemon juice Coarse salt ...

Mash the cod roe with a fork. Add the onion and sour cream. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Server mousse between slices of sandwich bread and cut them into triangles.

Mains Pepper Grated from 1-2 oranges Juice of one large orange ...

Ørredsfileterne sprinkled with the mixture of salt, sugar, pepper and grated orange peel. He then poured orange juice over and eventually accepted the Dill on, and pages are added together on a platter. This is made in the fridge for 2 days, during which the f

Mains Dill for garnish Correspondi. amount of celeriac Cox orange Apple ...

Do Apple and celery in a position and cut it into paper thin slices. Mix sour cream and yogurt, as well as spices and mustard Apple and celery and toss with the dressing. Let the salad cool at least 15 minutes, pull, like longer. Serve the salad as a nice litt

Cold cuts Homemade grovboller Pepper Grated nutmeg ...

150-200 gr. real trout or laksekød cut into fine strips, and are added to the page to add the layered in pateén. 600 gr of flesh is run through a meat grinder. Forcemeat is touched: the minced fish meat, add maizenamel. The two whole eggs stirred in. Add th

Mains Watercress EVS. a little milk Paprika ...

The trout is cleaned and scales scraped off carefully before it is cut into slices. Slices on 3-4 cm thickness is adequate. Trout slices brushed with oil on both side and black pepper ground over before slices placed in a heat-proof platter. Fish must now is g

Mains Oil Butter Lemon ...

The loin is added in a dish, as they fill out, or in a heavy plastic bag. The marinade mix and pour mørbradene. The dish is covered well. Mørbradene be marinated a minimum of 4 hours, but are allowed to stand overnight in the refrigerator. Swipe the marinad

Mains EVS. a little butter Scallions sautéed Juices ...

Potato galettes: mix the potatoes, cheese and parsley in a bowl. Put the mixture into 10 small peaks on a plate with wax paper and press them flat and quite thin. Drizzle a little oil over and season with freshly ground pepper. Behind them 8-10 minutes at 250