Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Cauliflower

Mains Turmeric, ground Chilli, crushed Garam masala ...

Part b the cabbage in bouquets. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Heat oil and FRY cumin approximately one minute. Add the garlic and ginger, saute the fintsnittet. Add the potatoes and FRY. Add the turmeric and chilli powder and FRY again. Add the tomatoes

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Koteletterne Brown on a hot pan for a few minutes on each side. Then be in a heat-proof platter. Cauliflowers boils easily and distributed over koteletterne. 2 dl of milk boil up and levelled with 15 g of flour, which is udrørt in 1/2 dl milk. The gravy

Mains Frying oil Potato flour Pepper ...

Slice the pork into cubes and put it in the marinade for about 30 mins. Take the meat up and drainage it, flip it, first in the egg and then in potato flour. Deep fat FRY pieces for the Bill in a pan m. ca. 2 l. salad oil. Cut the vegetables finely and f

Salads Pepper Parsley, fresh Salt ...

The flower separate into small florets and blanched the cabbage in 3 minutes. Cools. Bacon diced roasted crispy and placed on fat sucking paper. Pine kernels toasting. The tomatoes cut into both. Chop chop. Vinegar, oil, garlic, salt and pepper to tas

Soups Cauliflower Celery Onion ...

The cleaned vegetables coarsely grate or slice them into strips. Got them in the gennemfugtede roaster. Add the broth and possibly. salt and let it boil at 220 degrees for about 45 minutes. Sprinkle some chopped parsley on just before No.

Mains Salt Bay leaves Green beans. frozen ...

Cut the cabbage into small flower bouquets. Peel and grate the celery and the scraped carrots coarsely. Cut the beans into smaller pieces and clean out the green pepper of frøstol and Foundry core, before the cut into strips. Leek cut into rings. Mix everyt

Mains Pepper Parsley, preferably flat-leaf Salt ...

Wash the potatoes thoroughly, turn them in oil, salt and pepper and add to a heat-proof platter. Style of the dish in the oven at about 180 degrees for about 1 hour to the potatoes are golden and tender. Chop the onion finely. Cut two strips of lemon rind w

Soups Bouillon cube Pepper Parsley ...

Wash and chop the vegetables, Broth and the small-minded vegetables in the Pan there is closed. 4-6 minutes cooking time. Cool the Pan and open it. Taste the soup and Sprinkle chopped parsley over