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Recipes with Broth

Mains Margarine for frying Curry Little ds. Pineapple ca. 175 gr ...

Start with curry sauce! Slice the onion and bacon in cubes and sauté it for a few min. in brunet margerine in the pan. Sprinkle curry powder on and let it sear with a moment before the flour, grated Apple and toma puree added. Stir the broth with pineapple jui

Mains Sugar Chili paste Fish sauce ...

Heat 1 tbsp. oil in a wok and fry the dried chilies until brown. Take them up, and place them to the side. Came the rest of the oil in the wok and FRY garlic browned. Add chicken meat cut into slices, oyster sauce, fish sauce, sugar and chili paste, and Coo

Mains Frozen green beans Parsley butter Beef Tenderloin ...

Beans and potatoes are cooked. Gravy Brown gravy that tilsmages with bouillon powder and salt and pepper to taste. De-fat for tendons. Who cut a deep groove in the meat lengthwise, which folded a little out and plumped. Mushrooms roasted on a dry pan to væden

Mains 1 clove of garlic Minced parsley Pepper ...

Butcher saver shank in pieces of 4 cm. cut some notches in kødhinden, so you avoid that kødskiven crumbs together during frying. Pieces of meat into the flour with added spices. Brown in margarine or oil. Addressed the herbs or chop and sauté rives in the fat.

Mains Fat for frying Fresh or dried thyme Suit ...

Knead the meat with fintsnittet celery, crushed juniper berries and danablu and form four large patties. Sprinkle the steaks with pepper and brown them on both sides of the fat in a frying pan. Turn down the heat and let them roast ready, as they now desired.

Sauces Parsley White wine Broth ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Sauté them with finely chopped parsley in the butter. Wash the tomato and cut the small out. Chop the onion finely. Add the tomato and onions to the mushrooms. Babies with white wine and a little of the broth and l

Mains Pepper (freshly ground) Salt Rooster chicken ...

Clean the faucet the chicken and Pat it dry. Share it in four pieces and brown them on all sides in a saucepan. Chop the onion and it came by. Add the broth, when the onion is shiny. The Court let simmer, covered, half an hour's time. Peel the apples, cut t

Soups Salt Eggs Paprika like Turkish ...

Yogurt, eggs and salt whipped together and warmed slowly up to the boil, stirring continuously. Pour in hot broth and washed rice. Cook over low heat for the rice is tender, about 20 minutes. Mint is added, it is blended well and after a moment, take the soup